Template:Recon Officer Boomtown

You are now in what is affectionately called 'Boomtown.' If you haven't noticed, this is a Hazard area, not just because the place is falling down around us, but because the hostiles that have moved in here have gathered in packs. Their numbers have increased, so yours should as well. Mind your step, there are plenty of demolished buildings and debris littering the area.
See my report for more information. It should give you an idea what to expect:
*** Approved Use Only ***
History: Long ago, this area was a bustling urban center called Baumton, full of skyscrapers and massive office complexes. That all changed when the Rikti invaded in the First Rikti War against humanity. On Day 1 of the Rikti War this bustling community was hardest hit and turned into a wasteland. With the economy and housing industry crushed, the residents of Baumton moved to other parts of Paragon City, the area was sealed off to the general populace, and the bad guys moved in.
Hostiles Strength: Levels 11 through 19
Suggested Squad Parameters: 3 to 5-person teams
- Rubble
- And lots of it.
Identified Hostiles:
- Babbage (a wandering mostrosity created by the Clockwork)
- Clockwork
- Council
- The Lost
- Outcasts
- Trolls
- Vahzilok
- None