The Major

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The Major
Contact Small The Major.jpg
Void Sanction Handler
Zone Brickstown
Level Range 30-40
Introduced By None
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

The Major is a vigilante contact in Brickstown. His level range is 30-40. He is available by phone only.


Contact Introduced By

None. The Major is introduced automatically when a vigilante reaches level 30.

Contact Introduces



Void Sanction Handler

Known only as 'The Major' this man acts as the handler for Void Sanction. He gives out cryptic clues for the locations of dead drops where you can pick up a new target for Void Sanction's special services.

Contact Unlocked

The Major of Hero Corp has an urgent message for you.

It's odd that Hero Corp will be contacting you based on your recent actions, but this mystery man has left a message on your phone asking you to call him for possible employment opportunities.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window. This contact's storyline takes place after Night Ward and Dark Astoria.

Initial Contact

So glad you took the time to contact me, Character. You can call me The Major, and I work for Hero Corp.

Normally, Hero Corp just works as heroes for hire. The public calls us Mercenaries, but we provide a service to this city beyond what the normal heroes running around can. Corporations and even city officials have been known to hire Hero Corporation to act as security, or take down criminals that are beyond the capabilities of their police departments. Occasionally, Hero Corp will get jobs that public facing business would never take.

That's where we come in. We're a clandestine sub-division called Void Sanction. When Hero Corp. gets a job that needs extermination with extreme prejudice, I get tasked with handing those jobs out to the proper operatives.

And your current way of thinking makes you a perfect operative for Void Sanction.



Too Busy

I need your full and undivided attention. (You have too many current open missions)

No More Missions

Up and Away burgers, may I take your order?



Story Arc

Void Sanction



Having successfully performed six missions for the Void Sanction division of Hero Corp, you find youself disavowed after being blown by the hero known as Holo Man. Hero Corp and The Major want nothing to do with you, and Hero Corp does not even acknowledge you ever worked for them in any capacity.

Training Day


I am glad you finally called. Truth be known, I've had my eye on you for a while. I like your methods and think you'll fit in with my division just nicely.

I head up a section of Hero Corp that does the jobs that the public side of Hero Corp can't. Some criminals seem to skirt our court systems or get released on technicalities. We need someone who is willing to go the extra effort to see a job is done right, you know what I mean?

  • Yes, some criminals need to have their justice meted out immediately.

That's what I like to hear. My team is called 'Void Sanction', and you can simply call me 'The Major'. I'll be your handler, and you'll be doing some jobs for us that can, in no way, be associated with Hero Corp. You get caught -- or get sloppy -- and we'll disavow any knowledge of your actions. With that understood, let's get cracking.

We do things a little differently around here; we want things to be as hard to trace back to Hero Corp as possible. Each operation you execute will have a codeword, and that word will be the ONLY word you will hear me say for the duration of your operation. A courier is delivering to you a series of packages that need to be placed at dead drops throughout Brickstown.

A bike messenger comes up to you and has you sign for one small and five large envelopes.

In the small envelope is the list of locations for you to place each of the large envelopes, along with a codeword associated with that site. I need you to place these orders for other Void Sanction agents and familiarize yourself with the drop locations.

When you are done, call me back. If I answer with a code word, go to that location and get your orders. If you're lucky you'll be able to dispense justice on a level you only ever dreamed of before. If you're unlucky, the next time you call, I won't pick up.

Dead Drop Orders

A manilla envelope with a post-it note that reads 'amendment' on it.

Dead Drop Orders

A manilla envelope with a post-it note that reads 'castle' on it.

Dead Drop Orders

A manilla envelope with a post-it note that reads 'spider' on it.

Dead Drop Orders

A manilla envelope with a post-it note that reads 'candlelight' on it.

Dead Drop Orders

A manilla envelope with a post-it note that reads 'washboard' on it.

Deliver the first set of dead drop orders (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation

The phone rings and rings, no answer. You assume that you need to deliver the packages The Major asked you to.

You have successfully tucked the packet out of obvious sight

Deliver the second set of dead drop orders (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation

The phone rings and rings, no answer. You assume that you need to deliver the packages The Major asked you to.

You have successfully tucked the packet out of obvious sight

Deliver the third set of dead drop orders (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation

The phone rings and rings, no answer. You assume that you need to deliver the packages The Major asked you to.

You have successfully tucked the packet out of obvious sight

Deliver the fourth set of dead drop orders (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation

The phone rings and rings, no answer. You assume that you need to deliver the packages The Major asked you to.

You have successfully tucked the packet out of obvious sight

Deliver the final set of dead drop orders (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation

The phone rings and rings, no answer. You assume that you need to deliver the packages The Major asked you to.

You have successfully tucked the packet out of obvious sight. Call The Major to get your first assignment.


I hope you memorized those codewords. From here on out, that's the only level of communication we will have. Call me on occasion and if I answer with a codeword, go to that location to get your orders.

King of Pins



  • Accept the operation

The Major says nothing more

Go to the dead drop location for 'Amendment' (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the dead drop location for 'Amendment' (Brickstown)

You find the order packet. Seems they want you to take out a shopkeeper with a cyberarm from a Freakshow named R-More.


Detailed instructions on your target, a shopkeeper in Brickstown who is running a protection racket through the use of Freakshow heavies. Your orders are to kill him and make it look like a Freakshow went berserk on him. Obtain the cybernetic arm from the Freakshow known as R-More, and use it on the shopkeeper's body after you have killed him. Locations of the cameras in the shop are also noted in the orders, and you are instructed to stay off them as much as possible and at the very least, conceal your face from them when you cannot avoid them.

Void Sanction: Amendment

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Warehouse 30 Layout 05 02.png
Map: Warehouse_30_Layout_05_02

R-More should be here somewhere. You need his cyberarm to complete your operation.

  • Void Sanction: Amendment
    • Get a Freakshow cybernetic arm

With brute force, you are able to remove the cybernetic limb from the lifeless corpse of R-More. His death will go unnoticed, just another random killing in the Freakshow organization.



Notable NPCs

A Freakshow Arm

A cybernetic arm belonging to the late R-More.

Void Sanction: Amendment

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map 911 DAMICOS PAWN.png

This shop is where the shopkeeper does his business.

  • Void Sanction: Amendment
    • Take out the Shopkeeper

You succeed in mangling the shopkeeper with the cyberarm. Erasing evidence of your involvement and clues now points to R-More being the culprit.



Notable NPCs

The hackles of your neck stand on end... Something is amiss, but you can't put your finger on it.

Bad feeling

You kept yourself off the cameras at the shopkeepers place, but have a bad feeling anyway about the operation. Probably nothing though


You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.

No Witnesses



  • Accept the operation

The Major says nothing more

Go to the dead drop location for 'Castle' (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the dead drop location for 'Castle' (Brickstown)

Opening the orders packet, it seems that they want a Crey VP to be eliminated and asked you to kidnap a Paragon Protector to make it look like it was an inside job. Once the VP is eliminated, make sure the Protector is taken out, too - no witnesses.


Detailed instructions on your target, a Crey VP named Juan Hernandez. Hernandez has run a black ops division of Crey for years, and a client of Void Sanction wants him removed. Your orders are to beat a Paragon Protector into submission and 'convincing' them to join you in the hunt for Hernandez. After they kill Hernandez with their powers, you are to eliminate them as well, leaving no witnesses.

Void Sanction: Castle

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P Tech 30 Layout 08 01.png
Map: P_Tech_30_Layout_08_01

This facility should house a Paragon Protector you can use.

  • Void Sanction: Castle
    • Capture a Paragon Protector

Proving that you can beat this protector at any time, you instruct her to meet you in the lobby of the Crey building where the Crey VP works.



Notable NPCs

You have knocked the Protector into a state of unconsciousness.

The goods on a Paragon Protector

You have defeated a Paragon Protector, convincing her to help you assassinate a Crey VP. She will meet you in the lobby of the VP's building.

Void Sanction: Castle

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Office 30 Layout 01 02.png
Map: Office_30_Layout_01_02

This is where you are to meet the Protector you 'convinced' to help you earlier.

  • Void Sanction: Castle
    • Acquire Protector
    • Lead the Protector to Crey Vice President Hernandez

Scorch marks put the cause of death squarely on the Paragon Protector you brought along.



Notable NPCs

Uneasy feeling

The cameras in the Crey building may have caught a glimpse of you, but you are pretty sure that you are not blown yet.


You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.

Wrong Number



  • Accept the operation

The Major says nothing more

Go to dead drop Spider (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to dead drop Spider (Brickstown)

The package contains a cell phone and orders to place this on the body of ROFLSTOMP, a Freakshow who has been linked to 12 murders.

Prototype Cell Phone

This cell phone is a Crey model 22X, about 3 generations ahead of the latest on the market. The flimsy case means it is probably not EM shielded yet and it just a prototype.


Detailed instructions on your target, a Freakshow leader named ROFLSTOMP. Also included in the package is a prototype cell phone that is unshielded and should emit enough EMP to fry the cybernetics of the Freakshow, which can be blamed as the cause of his death.

Void Sanction: Spider

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Warehouse 30 Layout 03 01.png
Map: Warehouse_30_Layout_03_01

This is the location of the Freakshow in question.

  • Void Sanction: Spider
    • Defeat ROFLSTOMP

Placing the cell phone near his body, it causes the corpse to smoke and convulse uncontrollably. The poor EM shielding of the phone has definitely masked any evidence you were behind the crime.



Notable NPCs

You'd swear someone was watching you just then.

Creepy feeling

You'd swear someone was watching you just then.


You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.

From Within



  • Accept the operation

The Major says nothing more

Go to dead drop Candlelight (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to dead drop Candlelight (Brickstown)

Your orders packet includes a thumb drive and asks you to install the data on it on several Council computers to plant evidence that Archon Kruger is planning to betray them to the 5th Column. Then his elimination will uncover this evidence and simply be chalked up to an opportunistic Council member looking to clean up.


Detailed instructions on your target, Archon Kruger of the Council. Kruger is repsonsible for over 60 deaths in Paragon City in just a couple months. Also included in the packet is a thumb drive with Gigs of data that will make it look like Kruger was about to betray the Council to the 5th Column. Investigation into his murder will make it look like an enterprising loyal Council member did the job after uncovering this secret.

Void Sanction: Candlelight

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map 5th Column 60 Layout 06.png
Map: 5th_Column_60_Layout_06

Plenty of Council computers here to get the job done.

  • Void Sanction: Candlelight
    • 4 computers to access

You have planted the files to make Kruger look like he's about to betray the Council.


Void Sanction: Candlelight

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map 5th Column 30 Layout 06.png
Map: 5th_Column_30_Layout_06

This is Archon Kruger's base of operations.

  • Void Sanction: Candlelight
    • Defeat Archon Kruger

All evidence points to the Council doing this job themselves. Archon Kruger will kill no more.



Notable NPCs

Thinking over everything, you seem to remember some other non-Council files on the computers you accessed.

Unsettling feeling

You recall some odd files on the Council computer.


You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.

Total Recall



  • Accept the operation

The Major says nothing more

Go to dead drop Washboard (Brickstown)

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to dead drop Washboard (Brickstown)

Your target is someone named 'Recall' who is from Praetorian Earth. He apparently is attempting to start up a Fixadyne lab here on Primal Earth, and you need to stop him before he begins. Planting some Resistance tech at the scene should pin his death on them and not you.


Detailed instructions on your target, a Loyalist from Praetoria named Recall. Recall has eidetic memory, and is one of the few people who had access to the Fixadyne formula. He plans on replicating the drug here on Primal Earth. This cannot be allowed to happen. Recall was a big target of the resistance back in Praetoria, so a death by their hand will go unnoticed. You will get some Resistance tech from a Unified People's Army storehouse, eliminating their leader if need be, and plant that at the scene to divert attention away from yourself.

Void Sanction: Washboard

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Sewers 30 Layout 02 01.png
Map: Sewers_30_Layout_02_01

This den of resistance must have a leader; he'll need to be taken out as well.

  • Void Sanction: Washboard
    • Locate the resistance tech
    • Defeat Resistance Leader

Resistance tech acquired with no witnesses.



Notable NPCs

  • Resistance Leader (UPA Boss)

You have recovered resistance tech to make it look like they pulled off the job.

Resistance Technology

There is some distinctive Praetorian resistance technology here. Leaving this at the scene will definitely draw attention away from yourself.

Total Recall

Unnecessary Solicitation


Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Abandoned Warehouse 30 Layout 06 01.png
Map: Abandoned_Warehouse_30_Layout_06_01

This is the lab where Recall is setting up his operation.

  • Total Recall
    • Defeat Recall

Evidence has been planted to make it look like this was a Resistance operation.


Imperial Defense Force

Notable NPCs

  • Recall (Former Loyalist Elite Boss)

A shadowy figure disappears once you trained your eyes on them

Disquieted feeling

You swore you saw someone meld into the shadows just then.


You call in to let The Major know that the mission is complete.

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together


No time for dead drop. I have to give you these orders in the clear. You ready?

  • Yes Major, I am ready. Shoot.

There is a guy, former Crusader from Praetoria, wants to blow up the new Powers division getting set up here on Primal Earth. Hero Corp was hired to arrest this man, but I made sure that that job was put into the hands of their C-level operatives, real buffoons. This gives Void Sanction a chance to strike the blow that Hero Corp isn't legally able to. First I need you to go and collect some explosives from a Council base then plant these in that damn Crusader's HQ. After you take down the Crusader, you can detonate the explosives and cover up your tracks.

Void Sanction: Orders in the Clear

Unnecessary Solicitation

You can't be serious.

The Major hangs up.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map 5th Column 30 Layout 12.png
Map: 5th_Column_30_Layout_12

This Council arsenal should have the bombs you need.

  • Void Sanction: Orders in the Clear
    • 2 bombs to steal.

Bombs secured, now to get to the Crusader.


A pair of bombs

You have procured two large bombs, capable of leveling the entire structure to cover your tracks. Crude, but effective.

Void Sanction: Orders in the Clear

Unnecessary Solicitation

You can't be serious.

The Major hangs up.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map Sewers 30 Layout 04 01.png
Map: Sewers_30_Layout_04_01

The Crusader is located within these tunnels.

  • Void Sanction: Orders in the Clear
    • 2 bombs to place
    • Take down the Crusader
    • Talk to Holo Man

You succeeded in your mission, but Holo Man seemed to have pieced together your dealings with Void Sanction.


Paragon Heroes

Notable NPCs

Holo Man

Took me a while, but I tracked you down. I had to piece everything together that I had witnessed and then a pattern became clear.

  • Listen

There was a connection between all these deaths I had seen. You kept your face hidden from the shopkeeper's surveilance cameras, and from the cameras inside that Crey lab.

  • Next

But I was able to get enough for a gait match to know that it was the same person in each incident.

  • Next

That trick with the cell phone was cute, but I caught on soon enough. Then there was the evidence you planted on Archon Kruger. I had an eye on him for a while, my own spyware on the Council computers. When new records just started popping up, I figured something was about to go down.

  • Next

I was close to you, but I needed to catch you red-handed, so I leaked the information I had about this Crusader here, hoping to draw you out. Worked like a charm. Now, I get to bring you in, and you can tell me all about who you work for.

  • Prepare to fight

The phone rings and rings, you think no one is going to pick up when suddenly you hear someone speak.

Up and Away burgers, can I take your order?

  • Leave


This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

This information contains features from the Issue 24 beta that have been released on Homecoming.

This feature required a VIP subscription, but is now available to everyone.

The Major and his story arc were on Issue 24 beta at the time of the game's shutdown. It would have required a VIP subscription.