Ttl (Slash Command)

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Slash command

/ttl character_name, message

Send a message to a character's team leader.

  • Character_name is either your or another character's name.
  • Message is the message you want to say.
  • Make sure you add a comma (,) after the character's name.


  • Using the $name variable for your character's name will allow you to send a tell to your team's leader without typing in your character's name. This allows the exact same command to be used on every character without making any changes in the command string. For example, /ttl $name, Please invite NightFork.
  • Using the $target variable for another character's name will allow you to send a tell to that other character's team leader by merely clicking on the other character (targeting them) and activating the command. For example, /ttl $target, I'd love to join your team. Please send an invite.
  • Alternately, you can also send a tell to another character's team leader by right-clicking on a character who is in the team and selecting "Chat to Team Leader" in the pop-up menu.


/ttl SuperDoc, Please invite NightFork.