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Simple Soloing Guide

Level Range Est. Time Activity Notes



  • /bind BUTTON5 "powexec_toggleoff Athletic Run$$powexec_toggleon Athletic Run"
  • /macro_image "BA_Poortal_Jockey" "Auction House" "/ah"
  • /bind 1 "powexec_slot 1$$inspexec_slot 1"
1-5 1 hour Atlas Park: Patrol the zones west of Atlas Plaza
5-11 2 hours Perez Park: Entrance area boss hunt the Damned
  • Combat Medic by the entrance sells Inspirations
  • Enable the Attribute Monitor for To Hit, Damage and Defense and cap them at all times via 8x Inspirations each
    • /bind ` "inspexec_slot 1$$inspexec_slot 2$$inspexec_slot 3$$inspexec_slot 4$$inspexec_slot 5"
  • Hunt the Damned - disable all defensive power toggles to conserve endurance
    • /bind q "targetcustomnext alive Damned"
11-12 1 hour Perez Park: Far north, far south boss hunt
  • 37% Defense is sufficient from Luck
  • Auto-consume any Inspirations earned in slot 1
  • /ah sells Inspirations
  • Hunt the Damned and Girlfriend from Hell
    • /bind q "targetcustomnext alive Damned$$targetcustomnext alive Girlfriend"
12 Enhancements should be upgraded to L15 IOs or SOs
12-15 2 hours
  • Who Will Die Travel powers are mandatory (timed missions)
  • Steel Canyon hunt Lead Brick (or Lead Shocker, Lead Freezer, Lead Scorcher)
    • ~10-15 purple boss kills needed @L12 - Mid West
    • ~10-15 purple boss kills needed @L13 - South Central, South East Copper District
    • ~15 red boss kills needed @L14 - South Central, South East
    • ~20 orange boss kills needed @L16 - Mid East, North West
    • Nurse in the hospital (or /ah) sells Inspirations
    • /bind q "targetcustomnext alive Consigliere$$targetcustomnext alive Caliban$$targetcustomnext alive Ogre$$targetcustomnext alive Lead$$targetcustomnext alive boss$$targetcustomnext alive Oberst$$targetcustomnext alive Archon"