War Machine
War Machine is a Zone Event in the Council Base neighborhood of Boomtown at coordinates (2650, -83.9, 3693) that was added in Issue 25. The War Machine Badge is awarded for completing it.
- Enemies
- Notable NPCs
Zone Event Details
When you enter the Event Area an event window appears.
Defeat War Walkers
Vandal has fortified this base with Council War Walkers, reverse engineered from Praetorian technology. If too many are destroyed a Council Goliath War Walker will be deployed to protect the base.
- War Walkers Destroyed: 0/20
Defeat Council War Walkers around the perimeter of the base. There are not enough individual War Walkers to complete this objective, so you may have to wait for more to respawn.
Destroy the Goliath War Walker!
Vandal has deployed a Council Goliath War Walker to protect the base. Destroy it!
- Goliath's Health: 100/100
While the Repair Field Generator is active the Goliath will receive substantial buffs from its Repair Field.

Self Auto, +Regen, Res(Regen)
These nanites are continuously repairing the Goliath's armor plating.
+50% Regeneration Rate
85% Regeneration Debuff Resistance
20% Resistance to All Damage
Optional: Destroy Repair Field Generator
The Repair Field Generator is protected by an Energy Field that may disrupt your attempt to destroy it.

DoT(Energy), -ACC
You are taking damage from the Energy Field Minor Energy Damage over Time
5% Chance for 1000.00 Mag Hold
Destroying the Generator will significantly weaken the Goliath, removing its Repair Field and applying a temporary Weaken effect.
Reset Phase
+++ Missing Information +++
For defeating the Council Goliath War Walker you will be awarded the War Machine Badge, 6 Reward Merits and 2 Monstrous Aether.

The Council Goliath War Walker was no match for you.
For defeating 100 Council War Walkers you will be awarded the War Torn Badge.