Wedding Costume Set

This article describes paid-for or restricted features as they were before the 2012 shutdown. Homecoming has no such restrictions or charges.
The Wedding Costume Set was originally released with the Wedding Pack but is now only available through the Paragon Market. This set contains a total of 10 costume pieces (plus variations), as well as four related emotes.
Costume Bundle
The Wedding Costume Bundle is available on the Paragon Market for 400 Paragon Points. If purchasing all of the pieces separately, they would cost 400pp total. No auras, emotes, or powers are contained in this bundle.
Costume Pieces
Upper Body
- Included with Tuxedo Jacket
Lower Body
Bottoms with Skin
Angelic Plus Tights (F) - 40pp
Skirts / Shorts
There are no auras related to this costume set.
The emotes related to this costume set are not part of a bundle and must be purchased separately.
Standard Emotes
Propose Emote (/emote Propose) - 40pp
ThrowConfetti Emote (/emote ThrowConfetti) - 40pp
ThrowRice Emote (/emote ThrowRice) - 40pp
ThrowRosePetals Emote (/emote ThrowRosePetals) - 40pp
There are no powers related to this costume set.
Preselected Costumes
The Wedding costume pieces are available in the costume creator as a preselected costume set.
Head | Shape | Face | Pattern | Hair | Ears | Detail 1 | Detail 2 |
Standard | Average 1 | Face 1 | None | Bridal Veil | Human | None | None |
Upper Body | Chest | Pattern | Shoulders | Style | Chest Detail | Pattern | Gloves | Style | Pattern | Belt | Style |
Tops With Skin | Bridal | None | None | Smooth/Bare | Bridal | None |
Lower Body | Skirts / Shorts | Style | Pattern | Bottom | Pattern | Boots | Style | Pattern | Tails |
Skirts / Shorts | Pencil | Bridal | Bikini 1 | Bridal Heel | Bridal Heel | None |
Back Detail |
None |