Quickchat (Slash Command): Difference between revisions

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* By default this command is bound to the APOSTROPHE (') key.
* By default this command is bound to the APOSTROPHE (') key.
* Click here for a copy of the original or default [[Default Quickchat Menu|quickchat menu]].
* Click here for a copy of the default [[Default Quickchat Menu|quickchat menu]].

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* Custom menus are accessible by all characters on the same machine. By extension, you can send custom menu files to other people so that they can use them as well.
* Custom menus are accessible by all characters on the same machine. By extension, you can send custom menu files to other people so that they can use them as well.
* '''<tt>Option</tt>''' and its parameters must be on one line. Otherwise, the menu will not function.
* '''<tt>Option</tt>''' and its parameters must be on one line. Otherwise, the menu will not function.
** Inspiration and power names with spaces can be used in commands by replacing the spaces with an underscore (for example, Catch_a_Breath). You can also enclose the entire ''<tt>Command</tt>'' portion in quotation marks.
** If the command string contains spaces, the entire command portion must be enclosed in either quotation marks ("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"), or less-than/greater-than brackets and ampersands (<&&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&>). This last option is especially useful if multiple quotation marks are generating errors in the command. For example: <code>Option "Celebrate" <span style="color:blue"><&</span>emote dance$$local "Let's Party!"<span style="color:blue">&></span></code> will work, but <code>Option "Celebrate" "emote dance$$local "Let's Party!""</code> will not.
** Multiple '''<tt>Command</tt>'''s can be executed by one '''<tt>Option</tt>''' by joining them with <tt>$$</tt>, just as they would be on the client command line.
** Inspiration and power names with spaces can be used in commands by replacing the spaces with an underscore (for example, Catch_a_Breath).
* Listing multiple identifiers for any of the checks produces a logical OR: Badge CouncilRobotBadge StMartialTour1 means "Burkholder's Bane badge OR Johnny's Go To Guy badge".
** When using a command that sends a message, any spaces in the message portion can be replaced by the HTML code for a non-breaking space <code>&_N_B_S_P_;</code> (without underscores) in order to avoid enclosing the message in quotation marks.
** Multiple '''<tt>Commands</tt>''' can be executed by one '''<tt>Option</tt>''' by joining them with <tt>$$</tt>, just as they would be on the client command line.
* Listing multiple identifiers for any of the checks except PowerReady produces a logical OR: Badge CouncilRobotBadge StMartialTour1 means "Burkholder's Bane badge OR Johnny's Go To Guy badge".

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{{Navbox Context Menu Commands}}
{{Navbox Context Menu Commands}}
{{Navbox Binds}}
[[Category:Context Menu Commands]]
[[Category:Bind Commands]]
[[Category:Slash Commands]]
[[Category:Slash Commands]]
[[Category:Communication Commands]]

Latest revision as of 14:41, 28 December 2022



Pops up the quickchat menu.

  • By default this command is bound to the APOSTROPHE (') key.
  • Click here for a copy of the default quickchat menu.

Customizing the QuickChat Menu

Custom Quickchat Menus can be created by placing a properly formatted text file named quickchat.mnu in the following directory and then restarting COH after completely exiting to the desktop:


<LANGUAGE> may be one of the following and needs to match the language of the version of City of Heroes that is installed:

  • ChineseTraditional
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • uk


MNU files can be created and edited in any text editor. QuickChat Menus have the following general structure:

// Opening comment line for the QuickChat Menu

Menu QuickChat
    Title TitleName
    Option OptionName Command
    Title TitleName
    Option OptionName Command
    Menu SubMenuName
        Title SubMenuTitleName
        Option OptionName Command
        Option OptionName Command
  • Menu defines a group of Options. Menus can be nested, but each sub-menu requires its own pair of curly braces.
    • To create a submenu name of more than one word with spaces between them, enclose it in quotes.
  • Option is a selectable command within a menu.
    • One letter in OptionName can be designated as a hotkey by prefixing an ampersand (&).
    • To create an option name of more than one word with spaces between them, enclose it in quotes.
    • Command is one or more slash commands (separated by $$).
  • Title is an optional element.
    • TitleName labels a menu, or a section of a menu. Titles are not selectable.
    • Menus can have more than one Title.
  • Divider places a horizontal line in the menu.

LockedOption syntax:

LockedOption is alternative to the Option syntax above and checks to see if an item is currently available given certain conditions. If the condition is not met, the option will be grayed out and unavailable.

DisplayName OptionName
Command OptionCommand
Authbit AuthIdentifiers
Badge BadgeIdentifiers
Icon IconName
PowerReady InternalPowerName
RewardToken RewardIdentifiers
StoreProduct ProductIdentifiers

The conditions under which the item is available is specified with either Authbit, Badge, Icon, PowerReady, RewardToken, or StoreProduct. You only need one, but you can use multiple.

  • Authbit checks some state of your account (mostly historical and doesn't apply to Homecoming):
    • RogueAccess: Purchased Going Rogue
    • RogueCompleteBox: Purchased Going Rogue Complete Collection
    • CyborgPack: Purchased Super Booster I: Cyborg
    • MagicPack: Purchased Super Booster II: Magic
    • SuperSciencePack: Purchased Super Booster III: Superscience
    • MutantPack: Purchased Super Booster IV: Mutant
    • MartialArtsPack: Purchased Super Booster V: Martial Arts
    • WeddingPack: Puchased the Wedding Pack
    • List of Authbit Identifiers
  • Badge checks whether you've earned a certain badge. For example:
    • CouncilRobotBadge: Burkholder's Bane
    • StMartialTour1: Johnny's Go To Guy
    • SnowflakeEmoteBadge: Invisible badge gained from the Candy Keeper during the Winter Event
    • MayhemOutlaw: Outlaw
    • ArchitectAccolade: Mission Engineer
    • List of badge names (in BadgeGrant tag column)
    • List of hidden badge names (9/9/2010)
  • PowerReady checks whether the power is available to use.
    • InternalPowerName is the name of the power the game uses internally, which can be found at the City of Data 2 site IMPORTANT: The power name in the URL is correct, not the one on the page. E.g "temporary_powers.temporary_powers.envenomed_dagger" won't work, but "temporary_powers.temporary_powers.invention_envenomed_dagger" will work.


  • MNU files allow comments. Use a double forward slash (//) anywhere on a line to force the client to ignore anything between the double slash and the line return.
  • IMPORTANT: MNU files must have at least one line containing a carriage-return at the end of the line above the first "Menu" entry. It can be blank, a full comment, or just the comment tag (//) or any number of those lines otherwise it will not function.
  • Changes to custom menus require you to exit the client in order for the changes to take effect.
  • Custom menus are accessible by all characters on the same machine. By extension, you can send custom menu files to other people so that they can use them as well.
  • Option and its parameters must be on one line. Otherwise, the menu will not function.
    • If the command string contains spaces, the entire command portion must be enclosed in either quotation marks ("    "), or less-than/greater-than brackets and ampersands (<&    &>). This last option is especially useful if multiple quotation marks are generating errors in the command. For example: Option "Celebrate" <&emote dance$$local "Let's Party!"&> will work, but Option "Celebrate" "emote dance$$local "Let's Party!"" will not.
    • Inspiration and power names with spaces can be used in commands by replacing the spaces with an underscore (for example, Catch_a_Breath).
    • When using a command that sends a message, any spaces in the message portion can be replaced by the HTML code for a non-breaking space &_N_B_S_P_; (without underscores) in order to avoid enclosing the message in quotation marks.
    • Multiple Commands can be executed by one Option by joining them with $$, just as they would be on the client command line.
  • Listing multiple identifiers for any of the checks except PowerReady produces a logical OR: Badge CouncilRobotBadge StMartialTour1 means "Burkholder's Bane badge OR Johnny's Go To Guy badge".

See Also

External Links