Chat Window: Difference between revisions

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** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Add Tab" to create a new tab
** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Add Tab" to create a new tab
** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Edit Tab" to edit the currently selected tab
** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Edit Tab" to edit the currently selected tab
* Global Channel Search Window
* Global (Custom) Channel Search Window
** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Channel Search"
** click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Channel Search"
* Custom Chat Displays (1, 2, 3, 4)
* Custom Chat Displays (1, 2, 3, 4)

Revision as of 04:15, 29 November 2022

Chat Window


Messages from other players and automated informational messages from the game appear in the Chat Window. The text for each channel is color coded for display to allow players to determine which channel the message originated from.

The Chat Window displays the following:

Chat Tabs

Tab Editor

Tabs provide a filtered view of chat dialogue. The messages displayed in a tab may be customized by right clicking any tab and selecting "Edit Tab" on the dropdown list to bring up the Tab Editor.

Channels that will display in the currently selected tab are listed in the left side of the Tab Editor window. All other channels that are available are shown in the right side of the window. Channels may be moved from Selected to Available by highlighting the channel in the Selected list and clicking the "Remove" button at the bottom of the window. Channels may be moved from Available to Selected by highlighting the channel in the Selected list and clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the window. The name of the tab may be edited at the top of the window.

Highlighting a channel in the Selected Channels list and clicking the "Set Default" button will set the highlighted channel to the default active channel for the tab.

Clicking "Create Channel" in the Tab Editor prompts for the name of a new global channel.

The "Join Channel" button in the Tab Editor prompts for the name of a global channel you would like to join.

Highlighting a global channel in either list and clicking "Leave Channel" will unsubscribe from the highlighted channel.

Chat Channels

Chat Channel Text Colors

Players are capable of both sending and receiving messages in chat channels. (Trial accounts are subject to certain restrictions regarding which channels they are allowed to use.) The following is a list of standard chat channels that can be mapped to chat tabs and a brief synopsis of each channel's intended purpose.

Messages sent in the Arena channel can be read by anyone on your current server, regardless of location. This channel is intended for use in coordinating arena events and finding information about all things arena-related. Arena messages are displayed in pink in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Broadcast channel can be read by everyone currently on the same map. Broadcast messages are displayed in gray in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Coalition channel can be read by everyone in your super group's coalition. Messages sent on this channel are location independent. Coalition messages are displayed in yellow-orange in the Chat Window.
Any string of text entered in the emote channel that is not actually an in-game emote appears as italicized white text in the Chat Window. Emote text can be read by anyone in your immediate vicinity.
Messages sent in the Friends channel can be read by anyone in your Server Friends list who are currently online. Messages sent on this channel are location independent. Friends messages are displayed in text that blends from orange at the bottom to yellow at the top in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Help channel can be read by anyone on your current sever, regardless of location. The Help channel is intended for use as a general help forum where players can ask general questions on game mechanics or request aid from fellow players when they are stuck (literally or figuratively.) Help messages are displayed in text that blends from deep purple at the bottom to pale light purple at the top in the Chat Window.
Looking For Group
Messages sent in the Looking For Group channel can be read by anyone on your current sever, regardless of location. Looking For Group message text appears as light blue in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Local channel can be read by anyone in your immediate vicinity. Local messages are displayed in white in the Chat Window.
Mission Architect
Messages sent in the Mission Architect Channel (AKA Architect Chat) can be read by anyone on your current sever, regardless of location. Architect Chat message text appears as pale light blue in the Chat Window.
Text generated by Mastermind pets via the /petsay series of commands appears in this channel. Pets text can be read by anyone in your immediate vicinity. Text in this channel blends from deep blue at the bottom to white at the top in the Chat Window.
Private Messages (Tells)
Used to send messages to only one other character. Tells may be sent by entering the following in the chat line:
/tell <character's name>, <your message>
In order to work properly, a comma must be placed between the character's name and the message. The tell won't work correctly without it. The receiving character must also be online at the time the message is sent in order to receive the message if the character's local name is used. If the global name of the player is used, the message will either go directly to the player if logged in or into a queue where it will wait to be displayed the next time the player logs in. Private message text appears in bright yellow in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Request channel can be read by everyone currently on the same map. Though identical in behavior to the Broadcast channel, the original intent of this channel was for announcing offers to buy, sell, or trade items. This channel is also commonly used to coordinate large numbers of players simultaneously for events such as Hamidon raids. Request messages are displayed in text blending from purple at the bottom to dark magenta at the top in the Chat Window.
Super Group
Messages sent in the Super Group channel can be read by everyone in your super group Messages sent on this channel are location independent. Super group messages are displayed in bright sky blue in the Chat Window.
Messages sent in the Team channel can be read by everyone currently on your team. Messages sent on this channel are location independent. Team messages are displayed in text blending from peppermint leaf green at the bottom to green at the top in the Chat Window.

Global (Custom) Channels

Any global channels that have been subscribed to will be available for addition to/removal from tabs in the Chat Window. Messages sent in global channels are cross-server, meaning that any message sent by a player on a given server can be read by any other player on any other server who is a member of the same global channel. Global channel text varies in color by channel.

System Channels

System channel messages are generated by the game. As such, players are only capable of receiving messages in system channels. The following is a list of system channels that can be mapped to chat tabs and a brief synopsis of the information they relay.

Architect Entertainment
Informational messages concerning the Mission Architect, such as how many tickets an account has "banked" from their arcs being rated. These messages show up in a faded light blue color.
Black Market (Villains) / Consignment House (Heroes)
Informational messages concerning the Black Market and Wentworth's Fine Consignments appear in text blending from clear skies blue at the bottom to light blue at the top in the Chat Window. These messages indicate:
  • items being placed in market inventory.
  • items being removed from market inventory.
  • bids being placed for items.
  • items being posted for bidding.
  • items have been successfully purchased.
  • items have been successfully sold.
  • infamy/influence is collected from successful sales.
  • infamy/influence is returned from an unsuccessful bid.
  • marketing fees are paid.
  • transactions at the market pending completion.
Combat Warnings
Warning messages related to combat appear in orange creamsicle in the Chat Window. These messages indicate:
  • current target is out of range of the last selected power.
  • current target is out of line of sight.
  • the last selected power is still recharging.
Cutscene Captions
Dialogue from in-game cutscenes appears in text blending from clear skies blue at the bottom to light blue at the top in the Chat Window.
Damage Inflicted
Messages indicating damage inflicted on a target appear in text blending from dark red at the bottom to yellow at the top in the Chat Window. These messages indicate the amount of damage inflicted and the power that was used to inflict the damage. When applicable, the text will also typically mention any secondary effects applied by the power.
Damage Received
Messages indicating damage received appear in dark red in the Chat Window. These messages indicate the source of the damage, the power used to inflict the damage, and any secondary effects applied by the power.
Error messages appear in text that blends from white at the bottom to yellow at the top in the Chat Window.
Event Messages
Event messages appear in dark red in the Chat Window.
General Combat
General combat information messages appear in orange in the Chat Window. These messages include:
  • notification that a power has been activated
  • notification that a power has recharged
Healing Delivered
Messages indicating healing delivered to a target appear in sea green in the Chat Window. These messages also appear on application of certain buffing powers.
Healing Received
Messages indicating healing received appear in bright green in the Chat Window.
Hero Zone Events
Announcements at the start or end of hero zone events appear in text blending from royal purple at the bottom to lilac at the top in the Chat Window.
Hit Rolls
Information regarding hit rolls in combat appears in yellow in the Chat Window. Each of these messages indicates the following:
  • chance to hit the current target with the selected power
  • actual number generated by the hit check
  • indication that the power was autohit
  • indication that the power either hit or missed
Leveling Pact
Information related to Leveling Pacts appears in text blending from fushia at the bottom to light pink at the top in the Chat Window.
NPC Dialog
NPC Dialog text appears in text blinding from royal blue at the bottom to electric blue at the top in the Chat Window. Messages in this channel are word spoken by NPC in the game. Each message begins with "[NPC]" and the name of the speaker.
Pet Combat
Pet Combat messages are general combat messages related to combative pets and appear in orange creamsicle in the Chat Window.
Pet Damage Inflicted
Messages indicating damage inflicted by a pet on a target appear in text blending from dark red at the bottom to yellow at the top in the Chat Window. These messages indicate the amount of damage inflicted and the power that was used to inflict the damage. When applicable, the text will also typically mention any secondary effects applied by the power.
Pet Damage Received
Messages indicating damage received by a pet appear in dark red in the Chat Window. These messages indicate the source of the damage, the power used to inflict the damage, and any secondary effects applied by the power.
Pet Healing Delivered
Messages indicating healing delivered by a pet appear in sea green in the Chat Window. These messages also appear on application of certain buffing powers.
Pet Healing Received
Messages indicating healing received by a pet appear in bright green in the Chat Window.
Pet Hit Rolls
Information regarding hit rolls made by pets in combat appears in yellow in the Chat Window. Each of these messages indicates the following:
  • chance for the pet to hit its current target with the activated power
  • actual number generated by the hit check
  • indication that the activated power was autohit
  • indication that the activated power either hit or missed
Messages indicated rewards received appear in yellow in the Chat Window. These messages include:
System messages are displayed in electric green in the Chat Window.
Villain Zone Messages
Announcements at the start or end of villain zone events appear in text blending from deep wine at the bottom to bright rose pink at the top in the Chat Window.

Chat Line

Chat Line

The chat line (also referred to as the command line) is used to to communicate with other players and enter slash commands.

Selecting Chat Channels

Chat Channel Selection Buttons

At the top of the chat line are several small bubbles which may be clicked on to change the currently selected active chat channel.

  • L - selects the Local channel
  • B - selects the Broadcast channel
  • T - selects the Team channel
  • ϟ - selects the League channel
  • S - selects the Super Group channel
  • R - selects the Request channel
  • F - selects the Friends channel
  • C - selects the Coalition channel
  • ? - selects the Help channel
  • - selects the Looking For Group channel
  • G - selects the General channel
  • A - selects the currently Active chat tab and sets it as the default chat channel

The currently selected default channel appears at the left in the chat line. Channels may also be selected by clicking on the currently active channel's name in the chat line and selecting from the list that appears, or by right-clicking in the middle of the Chat window.

Sending Chat Messages

Messages can be sent in the currently active chat channel by activating the chat line, typing the message for transmission, and hitting Enter to send the message.

By default, hitting Backspace will activate the chat line and prime it with the command to respond to a tell from the last person from whom a tell was received.

Messages can be sent in any channel without selecting them as the active channel by specifying the proper slash command:

  • /arena - sends messages on Arena channel
  • /broadcast - sends messages on Broadcast channel
  • /coalition - sends messages on Coalition channel
  • /f - sends messages on Friends channel
  • /general - sends messages on General channel
  • /help - sends messages on Help channel
  • /league - sends messages on League channel
  • /lfg - sends messages on Looking For Group channel
  • /local - sends messages on Local channel
  • /ma - sends messages on Mission Architect Chat channel
  • /reply - sends Private Message to a character in response to the last received Private Message from that character
  • /request - sends messages on Request channel
  • /say - sends messages on currently selected channel
  • /send - sends messages on a specified global (custom) chat channel
  • /supergroup - sends messages on Super Group channel
  • /team - sends messages on Team channel
  • /tell - sends Private Message
  • /tell_last - sends another Private Message to the last person a Private Message was sent to

Pressing BACKSPACE will begin chat with the character or global name from the last private message received Any message can be cancelled before sending by clicking outside the chat line or hitting Esc.

Active Info Links

Active Link and Active Name

Active links to open information about powers, enhancements, recipes, inspirations, and salvage can be created in chat messages. These links appear in brackets and are in bold text. Clicking one of these links will open the Info Window, displaying information on the linked object. There are two ways to create a link in a chat message:

  • drag an object or icon to the chat line
  • type the name of an object in brackets

For example, dragging a Luck inspiration to the chat line will insert "[Luck]" in the chat line. When the message containing the link is sent, it will appear as "[Luck]" when the message is received. Clicking on the bold text will then open the Info Window, displaying information on a Luck inspiration.

Active Names

Whenever messages are sent by other players, the player's local or global name is displayed to the left of the message, indicating the source of the message. Left clicking on names will produce a popup menu with a series of options.

  • Send the character a private message
  • Send the character's team leader a private message
  • Send the character's league leader a private message
  • Invite to Team -sends an invitation to the player's current character to join a team
  • Invite to League -sends an invitation to the player's current character to join a league
  • Get Global or Local name - returns the player's current character's name (if clicking on a global name) or global name (if clicking on a local name) in a message in the System channel
  • Add Friend - adds to the Server Friends List
  • Add Note - create or add to a Player Note
  • Ignore - adds the player to the ignore list

Each character and global name will be displayed in a different color if the "Individual Name Colors" option in the Options Window is set.

Accessing the Chat Window

The Chat Window can be opened by:

  • Clicking on "Chat" at the top of the Status Window
  • Selecting "Chat" from the Menu Window
  • Pressing the 'C' key (with default keybinds only)
  • The slash command /chat
  • The slash command /window_show chat

Provides Access To

The following additional windows may be accessed from the Chat Window:

  • Team Window
    • click "Team" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • League Window
    • click "League" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • Friends Window
    • click "Friends" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
    • click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Channel Members"
  • Super Group Window
    • click "Super" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • Email Window
    • click "Email" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • Team-Up Teleporter Window
    • click "LFG" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • Chat Tab Edtior
    • click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Add Tab" to create a new tab
    • click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Edit Tab" to edit the currently selected tab
  • Global (Custom) Channel Search Window
    • click "Tab" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window and select "Channel Search"
  • Custom Chat Displays (1, 2, 3, 4)
    • click the numbers "1", "2", "3", or "4" at the top or bottom of the Chat Window
  • Other Windows
    • All windows can be displayed through use of the /window_show command in the chat line.

See Also