Mission:Noble Intentions - Chapter Three: Sheep Throat
Chapter Three: Sheep Throat
It was a good idea to lay low at the Mermaid, but it won't hide you forever. You should relocate to a less obvious location A.S.A.P., like a fishing barge or a derelict shanty. Something less classy. Once it gets dark you can find a way inside that warehouse.
- I know what I'm doing, Houston.
I know what' I'm doing, Houston.
Of course, of course! You're the professional. I just wanted to remind you that I'm not paying for you to spend hours at the local tavern. I need information, Character, and I need it now! In the news business time isn't just money - it's the whole business. If you're not first with the latest, you're nothing. So pretty please with a cherry on top, get back to work.
Unnecessary Solicitation
+++ Missing Information +++
Mission Objective(s)
During your stakeout, the ship repositioned itself in the bay. You should explore and regain your bearings.
- Investigate the PNCB HQ
- Search for clues
- Find the entrance
Notable NPCs
- Archon Papagiorgio (Council Galaxy Archon Boss, guarding Lazy Scientist)
- Lazy Scientist (NPC)
- Council Digger (Council Galaxy Archon Boss)
- Ravenstorm (Striga's Sentinels Scrapper (Elite Boss))
- Dr. Todd (Striga's Sentinels Kineticist (Elite Boss))

You picked up a piece of paper supposedly holding Dr. Arvin's password. It just says 'Bobcat'.

Once the player has defeated the spawn that grants the clue, they will need to click the computer glowie to expose the secret portal to continue the mission.
Mission Objective(s)
- Investigate the PNCB HQ
- Find a use for Arvin's password
- Unseal the blast door
- Make hostage open the blast door
- Access Council Database
- Defend yourself from Striga's Sentinels
- Speak to Ravenstorm and/or Dr. Todd
- Access Council Database
- Find a use for Arvin's password
You hear the rumble of a false wall disengaging!
+++ Missing Information +++