Chapter Three: Sheep Throat
It was a good idea to lay low at the Mermaid, but it won't hide you forever. You should relocate to a less obvious location A.S.A.P., like a fishing barge or a derelict shanty. Something less classy. Once it gets dark you can find a way inside that warehouse.
- I know what I'm doing, Houston.
I know what' I'm doing, Houston.
Of course, of course! You're the professional. I just wanted to remind you that I'm not paying for you to spend hours at the local tavern. I need information, Character, and I need it now! In the news business time isn't just money - it's the whole business. If you're not first with the latest, you're nothing. So pretty please with a cherry on top, get back to work.
Unnecessary Solicitation
John is keeping quiet on his end so as not to bother you while you are investigating the Port Noble citizens brigade's headquarters.
Mission Objective(s)
During your stakeout, the ship repositioned itself in the bay. You should explore and regain your bearings.
- Investigate the PNCB HQ
- Find a way into the PNCB HQ
- Find the entrance
- Search for clues
- Find a use for Arvin's password
- Unseal the blast door
- Make hostage open the blast door
- Access Council Database
- Defend yourself from Striga's Sentinels
- Speak to Ravenstorm and/or Dr. Todd
- Access the Lowest Level (Hero)
- Eliminate the Supersoldier
- Use the nearby exit!
- Defeat the heroes! (Rogue)
- 3 groups to clear on the docks!
- Escape to Arvin's Sub
You have learned about the Council's plot to tamper with the voting machines and fraudulently elect their stooge, Alexander Pavlidis, to the city council!
Notable NPCs
Before Combat:
- PNCB Minion: Purge is in process. I'm actually glad I got patrol duty today.
- PNCB Minion: Me too. I'd hate being trapped in there with that -thing-.
Combat Start:
- PNCB Minion: Character is back? I thought they left hours ago.
- PNCB Minion: Of course someone has to show up on -my- watch. FIRE!
The entrances are sealed, but a vent carries voices clearly... this must be a way in.
Before Combat:
- PNCB Minion: I saw Dr. Arvin put in his password. Let's log on and look up the most risque costumes from Pocket D.
- PNCB Minion: You'll never get away with it. You should just get rid of that piece of paper right now.
Combat Start:
- PNCB Minion: I hope that piece of paper gets ruined with blood stains, sir.
- PNCB Minion: Oh, come on! We just got this operation up and running.
You think you have a working password to something!
A blood-stained note
You picked up a piece of paper supposedly holding Dr. Arvin's password. It just says 'Bobcat'.
Editor's Note:
Once the player has defeated the spawn that grants the clue, they will need to click the computer glowie to expose the secret portal to continue the mission.
You hear the rumble of a false wall disengaging!
Combat Start:
- Council Minion: Heroes? Here? That means the front has been breached. Open fire!
Before Combat:
- Council Minion: Did the doors seal?
- Council Minion: I can hear them digging. They must be desperate.
Before Combat:
- Archon Papagiorgio: Stay put. It's your own fault we're stuck here.
- Lazy Scientist: We drill twice a week. How was I supposed to know this time it was for real?
Combat Start:
- Archon Papagiorgio: If you'd just evacuated with the rest, I wouldn't have to fight this cape to protect you.
- Lazy Scientist: Please, don't hurt me!
- Lazy Scientist: I'll open the blast door for you!
You've got a scientist in tow, who's been volun-told to offer up his handprint to get into the deep bowels of the lab.
Before Combat:
- Council Digger: Guys, come on, I'm getting tired.
- Council Minion: Keep digging, you inferior specimen!
- Council Minion: I keep hearing thumps and screams. I gotta get out of here!
Combat Start:
- Council Minion: Blast doors are open...
- Council Digger: Oh. Character. Lovely.
- Council Digger: Someone tag in already, my arms are killing me.
Access Terminal
Welcome, Dr. Arvin. For security purposes, please input your password or a blood sample.
Alert: Purge Protocol in progress.
Dr. Arvin's escape plan
Dr. Arvin appears to have a contingency plan if things go wrong. 'Steel Caterpillar' is listed as ready for departure if needed from Port Noble bay.
Password accepted.
Welcome, Dr. Arvin.
It has been [2] days since your last visit.
It has been [3] minutes since a reported workplace accident.
You have [312] new messages.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Project 'HangingChad' status: Operational
Project 'Predatore' status: Live Testing
Departure Plan B is prepped. 'Steel Caterpillar' is on standby in Port Noble.
- --------------------
- --------------------
- Director's Notes:
- --------------------
- The voting machines Archon Burkholder designed have been delivered to the Paragon City election committee, and are being installed in every voting location across the city. By election day we will have full coverage and the ability to change the outcome of any district at the flick of a switch. Mr. Pavlidis will win by an indisputable but inconspicuous margin. Included data projections predict his efforts to clean up smuggling operations on Striga will come to fruition within a year, clearing the way for our glorious return to power.
Project 'Hanging Chad'
Archon Burkholder has designed a voting machine with limited AI circuits and encrypted receivers which allows the Council to change votes on the fly. According to the notes you found on Dr. Arvin's computer, the completed machines have been delivered to Paragon City's election committee via a front company, and will be used in the upcoming special election. The Council intend to give Alexander 'The Great' Pavlidis a decisive victory, and count on his hard stance on gang crime to open up Striga for their glorious return.
- --------------------
- --------------------
- Director's notes:
- --------------------
- The new prototype super soldier serum is currently being tested in the secure laboratory. Our test subject is responding well but further development is necessary to achieve levels approaching those of Marauder at the height of his power.
- The mind boggles.
- Imagine what could be accomplished with an army of loyal soldiers, each one capable of standing up to a dozen so-called 'Incarnates'. It is fortunate that The Center has nothing but the good of mankind in mind, or I might develop serious misgivings about all of this.
- But there is nothing to worry about. In the Center I see the kind of leader our Emperor Cole could have aspired to, circumstances permitting. When I return from our meeting I will dedicate myself entirely to this project. I want nothing more but to please the Center and make him proud of my efforts.
Project 'Predatore'
With Nosferatu in jail, Dr. Arvin has been put in charge of the Council supersoldier program. He has been able to reverse engineer Praetor Barry's superserum and removed most of its averse side effects, but fortunately there is still more work to do before the serum will grant the user Marauder-levels of power. The new prototype super soldier is currently being tested in the secure laboratory.
- Download voting machine data
Remember to always save your work. Have a nice day!
- The computer begins to whine and smoke!
Before Combat:
- Ravenstorm: Someone's doing our job for us, Dr. Todd.
- Dr. Todd: So it seems, Ravenstorm. Let's investigate!
Combat Start:
- Ravenstorm: Striga's Sentinels are on the scene. This is your only warning!
- Dr. Todd: This will not end well for you!
First Blood:
- Ravenstorm: Whoa whoa, wait a minute, you're not Council.
- Dr. Todd: Hold up a sec, PhalanxAux reports Character is unaffiliated.
Ravenstorm and Dr. Todd will then stop being enemies and prompt the player to talk to them.
Speak to Ravenstorm
Ravenstorm eyes you suspiciously.
You're not Dr. Arvin, or even with the Council. Explain yourself, or face the consequences!
- (HERO - NEGOTIATE) Ravenstorm and Dr. Todd. What are you two doing here?
- The US army may have declared the Council threat over after the New Praetorians wrecked their volcano base, but Moonfire and I knew better. We've been observing the Council's activities here on Striga for some time, with the aid of Dr. Todd. It seems your bungled intrusion set off the surveillance tap she installed on their network, and now you've jeopardized our entire operation. Tell me why we shouldn't take you in along with the other criminals in this base!
- (ROGUE - FIGHT) I'm far too pretty for jail. Step aside, losers.
- +++ Missing Information +++
- (HERO - GREATER GOOD) Because I know about the monster in the basement.
- Ravenstorm looks over the briefing data on Operation Predatore and the Purge Protocols you lifted from Arvin's command console.
- A supersoldier? That explains the 'Predatore' trails Todd's been sniffing in their redacted data repo. Dr. Arvin's experiments are further along than we thought... and if you're telling me the truth, we can't leave until it gets contained. You have a temporary reprieve, Character, but I'll be keeping an eye you.
- I know you will, I'm counting on it.
- (ROGUE - FIGHT) Get out of my way, heroes!
- Losers? Really? If you think that's going to get under my skin...
-'re absolutely right! If it's a fight you want, I'll mess up that pretty face of yours. Prepare to face the full power of these Nether-charged nanites, Character! No more holding back!
Speak to Dr. Todd
Dr. Todd studies you like you were a sample in a petri dish. Her thousand-yard stare raises concern for both you and her.
Of all the things I thought we would find here, your morally dubious face was not one of the items on my list. Now, do you care to explain why you're compromising our stakeout?
- (HERO - NEGOTIATE) Dr. Todd and Ravenstorm. To what do I owe the pleasure?
- Dr. Todd seems taken aback by your casual demeanor.
- No pleasure to be had, that's for certain. We're here trying to get the bottom of a hotbed of Council activity that, frankly, shouldn't be happening if the New Praetorians had truly delivered the killing blow like we all thought they had. And now we're wondering if you're in our way or not.
- (NEUTRAL - LEARN MORE) Tell me the situation, I'm not your enemy here.
- Todd looks over at Ravenstorm, but Ravenstorm looks far more agitated and not in the best state of mind. Dr. Todd's eye pace back and forth in her head as she seems to be calculating the risk of telling you anything.
- Okay, leap of faith here, Character. Ravenstorm and I want to purge the Council by any means available, and take this island back for the people, for real. We started deep covert ops to see where the notables had retreated to. We found a lot more than we expected, but also kept accumulating more questions than answers.
- As you probably heard, Arakhn suffered a mild setback a few years back when her plot to infuse hundreds of Paragon citizens with nictus beings was thwarted, but Moonfire always suspected she would be back. Moonfire does not speak much about Arakhn, but when she does, it's always pained with memories she won't express. She must have known this particular Nictus for a long time.
- Arakhn is making moves again, but it's very, very uncertain what the data is trying to show us right now.
- (NEUTRAL - LEARN MORE) Making moves?
- Dr. Todd nods slowly.
- Arakhn has been the champion of the N-Fragment infusions of Nictus into the Galaxy troops, bestowing them power without turning them into wolves, vampyri, or those horrendous Void Hunters. She's also the one who made the Cysts a reality, extending their potential from 'planetary infection' to 'galactic threat'.
- Whatever Arakhn is doing, her latest movements have one thing in common - the Galaxy program is burgeoning, and the Void Hunters seem to be deployed less and less. In fact, we haven't seen one in a while. We thought that the Council might have been purging them from their ranks, assuming their allegiance remained with Requiem, but from intel we've captured, they are simply being ignored and withheld. Since Requiem's return, it makes sense that the troops he personally pioneered would be terminated. Instead we're seeing a complete phase-out of them into 'retirement'.
- (HERO - GAIN ALLIES) Maybe it's because they've got a new weapon in here
- (ROGUE - FIGHT) Retirement looks good on you two as well. (Fight)
- (ROGUE - FIGHT) On second thought, I don't want your help.
- (HERO - NEGOTIATE) Activity? They have a killdozer lurking in here.
- (ROGUE - FIGHT) Yawn. Are you trying to bore me to death?
- (ROGUE - EGO FIGHT) Get outta my way, you pathetic nobodies.
- Dr. Todd sighs.
- I've been looking for a chance to test my energy transference technology on a real threat. Commence field test!
This is groundbreaking news, Character, simply groundbreaking. Heads will roll once this gets out, and I'm the one with the scoop. In your face, Ms. Vines! This is what you can accomplish if you don't let things like scruples hold you back.
You and me, we're going to blow this whole thing wide open. It's gonna be epic!