Atlas Park

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Official Background

(Copied from the City of Heroes Official Web site [1])

Atlas Park is the City Zone at the heart of Paragon City. No landmark exemplifies the heroic nature of the City of Heroes more than the statue of the fallen hero, Atlas, that stands in front of City Hall. Atlas was one of the first heroes to respond to the Nazi sneak attack against Paragon City on December 7th, 1941. Almost single-handedly, Atlas kept the German attackers from gaining a foothold past Independence Port. It cost him his life, but he held his ground until the Freedom Phalanx arrived.

The statue of Atlas was dedicated by Statesman himself in a ceremony christening the heart of Atlas Park. Many heroes were inspired enough by Atlas' sacrifice to volunteer for the Freedom Phalanx's trek across the Atlantic to help reinforce the Dawn Patrol in England. To this day, Atlas Park is the safest area in Paragon City and many new heroes dedicate themselves to making sure it stays that way. Throughout Atlas Park and the rest of Paragon City are even more statues of heroes that fell in battle while defending their beliefs. Newcomers to the City are always encouraged to look for the information plaques by these monuments to learn more about those who sacrificed themselves for the greater good.

From Atlas Park, heroes can travel South to Skyway City or North to Steel Canyon. The hazards of Perez Park are a short journey to the west, while closer at hand within Atlas Park itself, is an entrance to the trials of The Sewers. But be warned; both Perez Park and The Sewers are dangerous places for an unprepared hero. One of Paragon City's most well-known “Contacts,” Ms. Liberty, is seen frequently in Atlas Park providing information on her new venture, the Freedom Corps. Freedom Corps facilitates communication and coordination between Paragon City's new heroes.

Recently, the streets of Atlas Park have been menaced by members of a new street gang calling themselves the Hellions. No one is certain why the gang numbers have swelled so quickly in such a short time or how they have taken over so much territory, but it is rumored that they have some kind of alliance with one of the more powerful gangs in Paragon City. Unfortunately, no one knows who.yet. One thing is for certain: the gang is just one factor dramatically increasing the workload of new heroes in Atlas Park. Government officials in Paragon City are responding quickly to this new threat by hiring a number of new liaisons to aid heroes in identifying troubled locations within Atlas Park. These liaisons can be found in Paragon City Hall and are a vital addition to the heroic system that protects the City of Heroes.

Neighborhood Breakdown

Atlas Park—named after the World War II hero Atlas who stopped the Nazi invasion of Paragon City at the cost of his own life—is the civic center of the city. Along with Galaxy City, it is one of the two city zones new heroes will begin their careers in. At the center of the zone, amidst carefully cultivated gardens, sits City Hall where the famed hero trainer Ms. Liberty is based. Novice heroes arriving here will find a contact within City Hall who will be able to set them up with some missions. These will most likely involve the Hellions who are Atlas Park's main criminal nusiance, albeit mainly of a petty nature. Also menacing the citizens are the Clockwork who spend much of their time stealing any metal they can. Atlas Park has a Paragon City Monorail station and the Chiron Medical Center located near each other on The Promenade.

Atlas Park is, to many, the heart and soul of Paragon City. Named after the fallen hero Atlas (who sacrificed his life to save the city from an attack by the dreaded 5th Column), the park is the safest area in the entire metropolis. It is often said that there are more superheroes in the zone than civilians. While far from the truth, it can certainly seem that way. It's not uncommon to see more than a hundred different heroes at the plaza, gathered at the feet of the massive statue of Atlas or mingling inside City Hall. More heroes congregate at the plaza than anywhere else in the city. At the plaza, heroes can train with Ms. Liberty or buy and sell training enhancements with the help of the Freedom Corps. Inside City Hall are five departments that specialize in providing assignments to new heroes of all five origins. Supergroup registration is also handled within. In addition to the natural boost in security the plaza recieves from the dozens of heroes that gather at it, Police Drones and agents of Longbow patrol and secure the outlying parking lots and parkland that has recently seen some harassment from Level 1 Hellions. The nearby Chiron Medical Center and monorail station are also under close watch by the Paragon Police Department.

Though Atlas Park is frequently touted as the safest zone in the city (which it is), it still has a troubling crime rate. Though archvillains, mastermind criminals, and dimensional terrors are almost never seen in the zone, it is far more common to see a petty thug who has slipped into the area and started up a one-man crime wave. Though most heroes are eager to begin grappling with the big guns from the start, they almost always begin on the streets, stopping punks from stealing purses and car radios. Nearly all of Atlas Park's problems are of this flavor. Hellions more or less have the market cornered on petty theft in Atlas Park - like gnats, they can be seen crawling over pretty much anything that looks tasty. It's not uncommon to see Hellions commiting a crime on every street corner in the zone. New heroes are almost always assigned to combat the gang as one of their first assignments. However, though they may be common thugs at first glance, one must remember that the Hellions are publicly known to possess innate supernatural talent. Though the thugs in Atlas Park are new recruits that have not yet mastered the satanic and fiery talents their superiors wield, they ARE learning - and fast.

Apart from the Hellions, there's not much else troubling Atlas Park. The biggest nuisance are the Clockwork. While the Clockwork operate out in the open in other areas of the city, in Atlas Park they keep to the backlots and rooftops. These little mechanical menaces don't have too strong a presence in the zone, but they can still overwhelm a hapless hero. Small but fierce, their electrical attacks often drain a hero's endurance - and that can be very bad. There are other criminal elements in Atlas Park, but they usually keep off the streets. The Skulls, a morbid street gang opposed to the Hellions, have sent a few small groups into the zone in preparation for a future takeover. For now, they seem to be content distributing superadine amongst the populace. There are also rumors of Vahzilok cadavers occasionally staring out of sewer grates at terrified passerby, but so far, these reports are unsubstantiated.


Trial Contacts


Regular Contacts

Level 1-4

Level 1-7

└► Officer Fields
└► Aaron Thiery
└►Sondra Costel
└► Aaron Thiery

Level 5-9

Level 5-19

Level 20-50

Level 30-50

Level 35-50

Special Contacts

Level 1-50

Utility NPCs

Task NPCs

Notable NPCs

Inactive Former Contacts

fter the destruction of Galaxy City in Issue 21, all old contacts were "rescued" and relocated to Atlas Park, although they no longer offer missions to players.


  • Argosy Industrial Park (Red – Level 5-6) (Music)
  • Atlas Plaza (Green – Level 1-2) (Music)
  • Chiron Medical Center (Music)
  • Downside (Red – Level 5-6) (Unused Music)
  • Hyperion Way (Orange – Level 3-6) (Music)
  • The Promenade (Yellow – Level 3-4) (Music)
  • Prometheus Park (Yellow – Level 1-4) (Music)

Atlas Plaza sits at the very center of the zone and is just full of resources for heroes to take advantage of. Heroes of all levels of experience gather at the plaza, making it a very safe place. Aside from the occasional level 1 Hellion trying to steal a purse or jack a tire at the very fringes of the plaza's parking lots, there is little crime to note here.

To the north of the plaza is The Promenade, which contains an entrance to Steel Canyon. The Promenade is known throughout the country for its theaters and music halls. It's difficult to walk more than a few steps without seeing a poster or billboard for the next great stage show. Nevertheless, even in the shadow of the spotlights, you can count on seeing low-level (1 to 4) Hellions looking for a pocket to pick. Clockwork of a similar level range are known to smash spotlights open and steal the powerful lamps within.

Directly to the west of Atlas Plaza is Prometheus Park and its environs. The park looks peaceful at first glance, and it usually is. However, this neighborhood is still a bit nervous about long walks in the park - Hellions (around level 4) occasionally cause problems for joggers, and they're almost always looking smug on the park bridge. Around the southwest borders of the park, you can clearly see remnants of buildings and abandoned warehouses torched by the Hellions. Piles of ash and dusty debris surround most buildings near the park, and of course, they're popular places for Hellions to hang out.

To the east of the plaza is Hyperion Way. Many who live in the area felt The Hollowing firsthand - most buildings in the area suffered minor structural damage from the massive shockwave. Hellions of all flavors, from level 1 to level 7, can be found in the area. The Clockwork are fairly active in the area as well. The gate to The Hollows, a hazard zone, stands here.

South of the plaza is the neighborhood of Downside. Though relatively tame compared to the locales most heroes will get to visit in their careers, amongst the citizens of Atlas Park, it has a pretty murky reputation. Clockwork forage in parking lots, and the Hellions who roam this neighborhood have access to a lot of Superadine. A gate to Skyway City, along with a massive statue of a revered hero, share the skyline with skyscrapers and apartment buildings. The bulk of the neighborhood's bad reputation comes from the open sewer pipes located along the southern border of the zone. Hellions have turned the tunnels into their own Superadine den, but there are rumors that Vahzilok butchers have started retaking the tunnels, rendering the young gang members into recyclable body parts in the process.

For a warehouse district, Argosy Industrial Park has fairly appealing architecture. Wrought-iron archways and intricate metal fencing make the area much easier on the eyes than similar complexes in King's Row. However, the area is still avoided by many residents, and with good reason. Clockwork are out in force, taking bits and pieces of scrap metal whenever they find some. Though they rarely attack unprovoked, they've been easy to rile recently thanks to harassment by the Hellions, who have been claiming empty warehouses for their own needs. Warehouse raves, once popular, are rare occurrences these days. Even the Skulls venture into enemy territory to terrorize them, though the Hellions are the most common culprit. This neighborhood is located west of Atlas Plaza, past Prometheus Park. Further to the west, beyond Argosy Industrial Park, is a gate leading to Perez Park. It's a hazard zone, so be careful.

Exploration Badges

Tried and True (multiple locations)

When the Omega Team accepted their mission to the Rikti home dimension, they knew they likely wouldn't be coming back. You have protected their memorial through many trials, staying true to the end.

Undefeated (545.0, 58.4, -2307.0)[Copy]

Here is where one of the brave souls to take up the mantle of Scirocco stood against, and fell to, the Rikti invaders.


Hero Corps may be controversial in their methods but they can have good information for aspiring heroes.

Patriot / International Spy (164.0, -768.0, -673.0)[Copy]

You have seen the statue of Cassiopeia, a Heroine recognized as a citizen of every country on Earth after she single-handedly saved the world from a rogue comet.

Top Dog (131.0, 319.7, -319.5)[Copy]

The top of Atlas' statue is the first place many flying heroes will go.

Freedom / Covert Operator (126.1, 170.3, -652.4)[Copy]

This flag was crafted from Statesman's cape and was donated to Paragon City to replace the flag destroyed by the invading Rikti. It now flies over Paragon City Hall to honor the sacrifice made by Hero 1 and the rest of Omega Team.

Edge of Chaos (-145.5, -784.0, -902.0)[Copy]

Longbow has set up this portal in the heart of City Hall. It leads to a possible future where Recluse achieves his ultimate victory over Atlas Park. While it's business as usual in City Hall, Longbow fights for their lives against Arachnos on the other side of this portal.

Observant (-135.5, -94.0, 469.0)[Copy]

Vanguard only allows super-powered heroes and Vanguard officials into their compounds. Although Vanguard scientists become annoyed when people look in on their various Rikti experiments, it is really their own fault for not having curtains to cover up the window.

Rookie (128.5, 16.1, -233.0)[Copy]

Newly registered heroes in Paragon City often start out in Atlas Park, where they can speak with more established heroes to receive advice and guidance.

Historical Plaques


You have learned the history of Croatoa.


You have learned the history behind the Hollowing.


You have learned the history of the Might for Right Act.


You have learned the history of the Lost's attempt to control the minds of Paragon City's people.


You have learned the history of the fallen hero Atlas.


You have learned the history of the Citizen Crime Fighting Act.

The following additional plaques are currently not associated with any known history badge:

Day Jobs

City Official / Ousted Official (requires hero/vigilante)

You have worked closely with the Paragon City government during your free time earning the City Official Day Job. Logging out in the City Hall will earn you an Influence Bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.

You were unceremoniously ejected from your position in Paragon City government when you became a villain.

Law Enforcer / Dirty Cop (requires hero/vigilante)

You have worked closely with the Paragon Police Department during your free time earning the Law Enforcer Day Job. Logging out in a Police Station will earn you an Experience Bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.

The Paragon Police Department has severed its ties with you now that you're a villain.

Commuter / Fare Jumper (requires hero/vigilante)

You have traveled all over Paragon City for various day jobs during your free time earning the Commuter Day Job. Logging out in a Train Station will earn you a speed boost, when you log back in, for a short time.

You miss the monorails of Paragon City, but in the Rogue Isles it would just be too impractical.


You have spent a great deal of time working in the hospitals of Paragon City during your free time earning the Caregiver Day Job. Logging out in a Hospital will earn you a Regeneration Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.

Your expertise in surgery and understanding pain has earned you the Pain Specialist Day Job. Logging out in a Hospital will earn you a Regeneration Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.


Your time spent working with the financial institutions of Paragon City during your free time has earned you the Banker Day Job. Logging out in a Vault will earn you an Influence Bonus, when you log back, in each time you complete a mission for a short time.

Your time spent staging heists on the various financial institutions of the Rogue Isles has earned you the Thief Day Job. Logging out in a Vault will earn you an Infamy Bonus, when you log back, in each time you complete a mission for a short time.


Your time spent working at Wentworth's has earned you the Day Trader Day Job. Logging out in Wentworth's will grant you a Brain Storm Idea Salvage after mission completion, when you log in, for a short time.

Your time spent supplying the Black Market has earned you the Marketeer Day Job. Logging out near a Black Market will grant you a Brain Storm Idea Salvage after mission completion, when you log back in, for a short time.


You spend your free time perfecting your costume earning the Fashion Designer Day Job. Logging out at a Tailor will earn you a discount to Tailor fees, when you log back in, for a short time.


Your time spent protecting your Supergroup's base has earned you the Monitor Duty Day Job. Logging out in your Supergroup base will earn you charges for your Base Teleporter power.


  • There are four Superpowered Field Trainers in Atlas Park, who sell level 5-20 Training Enhancements and 15-30 Dual Origin Enhancements.
    • One Superpowered Field Trainer on either side of Ms. Liberty.
    • Two Superpowered Field Trainers within City Hall.
  • There are two Reward Merit Vendors.
    • One inside City Hall (224, -768, -663)[Copy]
    • One inside Wentworths (-665, 7.7, -1092)[Copy]
  • There are 2 P2W Vendors:
    • a P2W Field Agent to the West of the Atlas Statue (232, 16, -336)[Copy]
    • a P2W Wyvern Interceptor inside of Fort Trident (-111.4, 0.0, 253.4)[Copy]
  • There is an Icon (Tailor) store West of Chiron Medical Center (196, 0, -1528)[Copy]

Transfer Points

Ally Groups

Enemy Groups

