City of Heroes Collectible Card Game/Arena Cards

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Base Deck

CCG Arena Battle Box Starter Kit
CCG Arena Battle Pack Box
CCG Arena Booster Pack Box

The Arena Base Deck consists of 324 cards in the following distributions:

Rarity Distribution
  • 99 Battle Pack-exclusive cards
  • 75 Common cards
  • 75 Uncommon cards
  • 75 Rare cards in both regular and foil versions

Type Distribution
  •   55 Edge cards
  •   16 Enhancement cards
  •   38 Hero cards
  •   13 Mission cards
  •   38 Signature Power cards
  • 149 Power cards
  •   15 Sidekick cards

Battle Pack Card Distribution
  • 13 random common/uncommon cards (not all cards are available in Battle Packs)
  •  1 random rare card (no foils)
  •  1 Hero card
  •  1 Signature Power card
  •  1 fixed Power card
  •  2 Power cards of Hero's other starting power
  •  5 fixed Power cards
  •  1 fixed Enhancement card

Booster Pack Card Distribution
  • 3 random uncommon cards
  • 1 rare card (4 foils per box, could be a Hero foil)
  • 7 common cards

# Name Type Power Set Inspiration Rarity
1 Level Up! Edge Insight Uncommon
2 Resilient Edge Break Free Uncommon
3 Combined Attack Edge Break Free Rare
4 Quick Learner Edge Insight Rare
5 Power Mastery Edge Break Free Rare
6 Secret Identity Edge Catch a Breath Rare
7 Increased Hold Edge Insight Rare
8 Exemplar Edge Insight Rare
9 Siphon Power Edge Insight Common
10 Power Failure Edge Insight Rare
11 Head Shot Edge Break Free Rare
12 Overworked Edge Insight Rare
13 Demoralize Edge Insight Rare
14 Fighting Spirit Edge Break Free Rare
15 Expanded Mission Edge Insight Rare
16 Rikti Invasion Edge Break Free Rare
17 Winterlord Attack Edge Insight Rare
18 Hallow's Eve Assault Edge Insight Rare
19 Temporary Power Edge Insight Rare
20 Paragon Times Extra! Edge Insight Rare
21 Fully Enhanced Edge Break Free Rare
22 City of Power Edge Insight Rare
23 Dramatic Improvement Edge Insight Uncommon
24 Building Rage Edge Insight Common
25 Uncanny Insight [1] Edge Insight Uncommon
26 Enraged Edge Break Free Common
27 Cornered Edge Insight Uncommon
28 Self-Sacrifice Edge Insight Rare
29 Knock out of the Sky Edge Catch a Breath Uncommon
30 Fast Attack Edge Insight Uncommon
31 Out of the Sun Edge Insight Uncommon
32 Active Dodge Edge Break Free Uncommon
33 Defensive Teleport Edge Insight Uncommon
34 Simultaneous Upgrade Edge Insight Rare
35 Quick Strike Edge Insight Rare
36 Arcane Ritual Edge Insight Rare
37 Torn Asunder Edge Insight Rare
38 Overwhelmed Edge Catch a Breath Rare
39 Disrupted Edge Catch a Breath Rare
40 Status Reflection Edge Catch a Breath Rare
41 Blunted Attack Edge Catch a Breath Rare
42 Hard Crash Edge Catch a Breath Rare
43 Secret Power Edge Insight Rare
44 Christmas Gift Edge Insight Rare
45 Superior Tactics Edge Insight Rare
46 Inspired Edge N/A Rare
47 Ambush Edge Enrage Uncommon
48 Bob and Weave Edge Break Free Common
49 Critical Strike Edge Insight Common
50 Focused Edge Break Free Common
51 Freedom! Edge Insight Uncommon
52 Ghost Ship Sighted Edge Break Free Rare
53 Helpful Contact Edge Insight Rare
54 Learning Curve Edge Insight Rare
55 Selfless Act Edge Insight Common
56 Advanced Programming Enhancement Insight Rare
57 Back Alley Brawn Enhancement Insight Rare
58 Enhance Accuracy Enhancement Insight Common
59 Enhance Damage Enhancement Insight Common
60 Enhance Defense Enhancement Break Free Uncommon
61 Enhance Heal Enhancement Respite Uncommon
62 Enhance Resistance Enhancement Break Free Uncommon
63 Amplify Debuff Enhancement Break Free Uncommon
64 Increase Status Enhancement Break Free Uncommon
65 Odin's Breath Enhancement Insight Rare
66 Positron Precision Enhancement Insight Rare
67 Reduce Endurance Cost Enhancement Catch a Breath Common
68 Reduce Recharge Enhancement Break Free Common
69 Manticore's Will Enhancement Break Free Rare
70 Statesman's Fury Enhancement Respite Rare
71 Synaptic Speed Enhancement Insight Rare
72 Flower Knight Hero • Blaster Archery • Devices • Jump N/A Battle Pack
73 Fusillade Hero • Blaster Fire Blast • Devices • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
74 Bottle Rocket Hero • Blaster Archery • Electrical Manipulation • Flight N/A Battle Pack
75 Conductress Hero • Blaster Electrical Blast • Ice Manipulation • Speed N/A Battle Pack
76 Flux Hero • Blaster Electrical Blast • Devices • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
77 Paragon Blaster Hero (Varies) • (Varies) • Flight N/A Uncommon
78 Pyrexiah Hero • Blaster Fire Blast • Ice Manipulation • Flight N/A Battle Pack
79 Synapse Hero • Blaster Electrical Blast • Electricity Manipulation • Speed N/A Battle Pack
80 Trajectory Hero • Controller Gravity Control • Trick Arrow • Flight N/A Battle Pack
81 Tricksie Hero • Controller Mind Control • Trick Arrow • Jump N/A Battle Pack
82 Snowslide Hero • Controller Ice Control • Force Field • Speed N/A Battle Pack
83 Chain Reaction Hero • Controller Gravity Control • Radiation Emission • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
84 Polar Star Hero • Controller Ice Control • Radiation Emission • Flight N/A Battle Pack
85 Paragon Controller Hero (Varies) • (Varies) • Teleport N/A Uncommon
86 Sister Psyche Hero • Controller Mind Control • Force Field • Flight N/A Battle Pack
87 Lighthouse Hero • Defender Force Field • Electrical Blast • Flight N/A Battle Pack
88 Electronica Hero • Defender Trick Arrow • Electrical Blast • Jump N/A Battle Pack
89 Dynamique Hero • Defender Force Field • Radiation Blast • Speed N/A Battle Pack
90 Regulus Hero • Defender Radiation Emission • Archery • Jump N/A Battle Pack
91 Radstorm Hero • Defender Radiation Emission • Electrical Blast • Speed N/A Battle Pack
92 Manticore Hero • Defender Trick Arrow • Archery • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
93 Paragon Defender Hero (Varies) • (Varies) • Speed N/A Uncommon
94 Positron Hero • Defender Radiation Emission • Radiation Blast • Flight N/A Battle Pack
95 Mynx Hero • Scrapper Claws • Regeneration • Jump N/A Battle Pack
96 Serpent Drummer Hero • Scrapper Martial Arts • Regeneration • Speed N/A Battle Pack
97 Lady Grey Hero • Scrapper Dark Melee • Regeneration • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
98 Somber Warrior Hero • Scrapper Dark Melee • Invulnerability • Flight N/A Battle Pack
99 Stygian Hero • Scrapper Dark Melee • Dark Armor • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
100 Night Strike Hero • Scrapper Claws • Dark Armor • Speed N/A Battle Pack
101 Ms. Liberty Hero • Scrapper Martial Arts • Invulnerability • Jump N/A Battle Pack
102 Paragon Scrapper Hero (Varies) • (Varies) • Speed N/A Uncommon
103 Infernal Hero • Tanker Fiery Aura • Battle Axe • Jump N/A Battle Pack
104 Wasteland Hero • Tanker Ice Armor • Super Strength • Speed N/A Battle Pack
105 Aesir Hero • Tanker Ice Armor • Battle Axe • Teleport N/A Battle Pack
106 Caldera Hero • Tanker Fiery Aura • Energy Melee • Speed N/A Battle Pack
107 Hero 1 Hero • Tanker Invulnerability • Energy Melee • Flight N/A Battle Pack
108 Paragon Tanker Hero (Varies) • (Varies) • Jump N/A Uncommon
109 Statesman Hero • Tanker Invulnerability • Super Strength • Flight N/A Battle Pack
110 The Tournament Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
111 Sky Raider's Time Bomb Mission Catch a Breath Common
112 Portal of Thorns Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
113 Earn Your Cape Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
114 Tsoo Tattoo Parlor Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
115 Defeat Teh PwNxx0rz! Mission Catch a Breath Common
116 Flux's Trust Mission Catch a Breath Common
117 Outcast Diversion Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
118 Frostfire's Lair Mission Catch a Breath Rare
119 The Diseased Dead Mission Catch a Breath Common
120 Victim of the Plague Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
121 Source of Infection Mission Catch a Breath Rare
122 Save the Fortune Teller Mission Catch a Breath Uncommon
123 Bind Demon Sig Power • Infernal Fiery Aura Enrage Battle Pack
124 Feral Flurry Sig Power • Mynx Claws Enrage Battle Pack
125 Summon Ancestor Sig Power • Flower Knight Archery Insight Battle Pack
126 Teleport Arrow Sig Power • Manticore Trick Arrow Insight Battle Pack
127 Aid from the Fae Sig Power • Hero 1 Invulnerability Catch a Breath Battle Pack
128 Rapid Fire Sig Power • Fusillade Fire Blast Enrage Battle Pack
129 Equinox Sig Power • Pyrexiah Fire Blast Enrage Battle Pack
130 Skyrockets in Flight Sig Power • Bottle Rocket Archery Insight Battle Pack
131 Ice Spark Sig Power • Conductress Electrical Blast Catch a Breath Battle Pack
132 Amplification Band Sig Power • Flux Electrical Blast Catch a Breath Battle Pack
133 Gravity Arrow Sig Power • Trajectory Gravity Control Break Free Battle Pack
134 Mind Shaft Sig Power • Tricksie Mind Control Enrage Battle Pack
135 Glacial Shift Sig Power • Snowslide Ice Control Break Free Battle Pack
136 Critical Reactor Sig Power • Chain Reaction Gravity Control Respite Battle Pack
137 Icy Star Sig Power • Polar Star Ice Control Luck Battle Pack
138 Shield of Light Sig Power • Lighthouse Force Field Luck Battle Pack
139 Whistler Sig Power • Electronica Trick Arrow Insight Battle Pack
140 Radiation Force Sig Power • Dynamique Force Field Luck Battle Pack
141 Arcing Missle Sig Power • Regulus Radiation Emission Enrage Battle Pack
142 Radiation Storm Sig Power • Radstorm Radiation Emission Enrage Battle Pack
143 Mindrider Sig Power • Sister Psyche Mind Control Luck Battle Pack
144 Snake Spirit Sig Power • Serpent Drummer Martial Arts Enrage Battle Pack
145 Aging Touch Sig Power • Lady Grey Dark Melee Luck Battle Pack
146 Knowledge of the Ages Sig Power • Somber Warrior Dark Melee Luck Battle Pack
147 From Beyond Sig Power • Stygian Dark Melee Luck Battle Pack
148 Hit and Run Sig Power • Night Strike Claws Insight Battle Pack
149 Survival of the Fittest Sig Power • Wasteland Ice Armor Luck Battle Pack
150 Blood of Giants Sig Power • Aesir Ice Armor Luck Battle Pack
151 Blazing Speed Sig Power • Caldera Fiery Aura Enrage Battle Pack
152 Aimed Arrow Power • Bottle Rocket Archery 2 Insight Battle Pack
153 Aimed Shot Power Archery Insight Common
154 Blazing Arrow Power Archery 1 Insight Uncommon
155 Explosive Arrow Power • Flower Knight Archery 2 Insight Battle Pack
156 Snap Shot Power Archery Insight Common
157 Stunning Shot Power Archery 3 Insight Rare
158 Beheader Power Battle Axe 1 Insight Uncommon
159 Chop Power Battle Axe Insight Common
160 Gash Power Battle Axe Insight Common
161 Pendulum Power Battle Axe 3 Insight Rare
162 Swoop Power • Aesir Battle Axe 2 Insight Battle Pack
163 Whirling Axe Power • Infernal Battle Axe 2 Insight Battle Pack
164 Eviscerate Power Claws 3 Enrage Rare
165 Focus Power • Night Strike Claws 2 Catch a Breath Battle Pack
166 Follow Up Power • Mynx Claws 2 Enrage Battle Pack
167 Slash Power Claws Catch a Breath Common
168 Spin Power Claws 1 Enrage Uncommon
169 Swipe Power Claws Enrage Common
170 Cloak of Fear Power Dark Armor 2 Respite Uncommon
171 Dark Embrace Power Dark Armor Luck Common
172 Dark Regeneration Power • Stygian Dark Armor 2 Break Free Battle Pack
173 Death Shroud Power Dark Armor Respite Common
174 Murky Cloud Power Dark Armor 1 Luck Uncommon
175 Soul Transfer Power Dark Armor 3 Respite Rare
176 Dark Consumption Power • Somber Warrior Dark Melee 2 Break Free Battle Pack
177 Shadow Maul Power Dark Melee Break Free Common
178 Shadow Punch Power Dark Melee Luck Common
179 Siphon Life Power • Lady Grey Dark Melee 2 Luck Battle Pack
180 Soul Drain Power Dark Melee 3 Luck Rare
181 Touch of Fear Power Dark Melee 1 Luck Uncommon
182 Auto Turret Power Devices 3 Luck Rare
183 Caltrops Power Devices Break Free Common
184 Targeting Drone Power Devices 2 Luck Uncommon
185 Taser Power Devices 1 Catch a Breath Uncommon
186 Trip Mine Power • Flux Devices 2 Catch a Breath Battle Pack
187 Web Grenade Power Devices Break Free Common
188 Ball Lightning Power Electrical Blast 1 Catch a Breath Uncommon
189 Charged Bolt Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath Common
190 Lightning Bolt Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath Common
191 Short Circuit Power • Synapse Electrical Blast 2 Catch a Breath Battle Pack
192 Synaptic Strike Sig Power • Synapse Electrical Blast Catch a Breath Battle Pack
193 Tesla Cage Power • Lighthouse Electrical Blast 2 Catch a Breath Battle Pack
194 Voltaic Sentinel Power Electrical Blast 3 Catch a Breath Rare
195 Electric Fence Power Electrical Manipulation Catch a Breath Common
196 Electrical Build up Power Electrical Manipulation 2 Insight Uncommon
197 Havoc Punch Power Electrical Manipulation 1 Insight Uncommon
198 Lightning Field [2] Power Electrical Manipulation Catch a Breath Common
199 Power Sink Power Electrical Manipulation 2 Insight Uncommon
200 Shocking Grasp Power Electrical Manipulation 3 Insight Rare
201 Blazing Aura Power Fiery Aura Enrage Common
202 Burn Power Fiery Aura 2 Enrage Uncommon
203 Fiery Embrace Power Fiery Aura 3 Enrage Rare
204 Fire Shield Power Fiery Aura Enrage Common
205 Healing Flames Power Fiery Aura 1 Enrage Uncommon
206 Plasma Shield Power Fiery Aura 2 Enrage Uncommon
207 Stun Power • Caldera Energy Melee 2 Respite Battle Pack
208 Whirling Hands Power Energy Melee 1 Catch a Breath Uncommon
209 Energy Punch Power Energy Melee Respite Common
210 Energy Transfer Power • Hero 1 Energy Melee 2 Catch a Breath Battle Pack
211 Total Focus Power Energy Melee 3 Catch a Breath Rare
212 Barrage Power Energy Melee Catch a Breath Common
213 Blaze Power • Fusillade Fire Blast 2 Enrage Battle Pack
214 Fire Ball Power Fire Blast 1 Enrage Uncommon
215 Fire Blast Power Fire Blast Enrage Common
216 Fire Breath Power • Pyrexiah Fire Blast 2 Enrage Battle Pack
217 Flares Power Fire Blast Enrage Common
218 Inferno Power Fire Blast 3 Enrage Rare
219 Deflection Shield Power Force Field Luck Common
220 Detention Shield Power Force Field 2 Luck Uncommon
221 Dispersion Bubble Power Force Field 2 Luck Uncommon
222 Force Bubble [3] Power Force Field 3 Break Free Rare
223 Insulation Shield Power Force Field 1 Luck Uncommon
224 Personal Force Field Power Force Field Luck Common
225 Crushing Field Power • Chain Reaction Gravity Control 2 Respite Battle Pack
226 Gravity Distortion Power Gravity Control Respite Common
227 Gravity Distortion Field Power • Trajectory Gravity Control 2 Break Free Battle Pack
228 Lift Power Gravity Control Respite Common
229 Propel Power Gravity Control 1 Break Free Uncommon
230 Singularity Power Gravity Control 3 Respite Rare
231 Chilling Embrace Power Ice Armor Luck Common
232 Energy Absorbtion Power Ice Armor 2 Luck Uncommon
233 Frozen Armor Power Ice Armor Break Free Common
234 Hibernate Power Ice Armor 3 Luck Rare
235 Icicles Power Ice Armor 2 Luck Uncommon
236 Wet Ice Power Ice Armor 1 Luck Uncommon
237 Block of Ice Power Ice Control Luck Common
238 Chilblain Control Power Ice Control Break Free Common
239 Flash Freeze Power • Snowslide Ice Control 2 Luck Battle Pack
240 Glacier Power • Polar Star Ice Control 2 Luck Battle Pack
241 Jack Frost Power Ice Control 3 Luck Rare
242 Shiver Control Power Ice Control 1 Luck Uncommon
243 Chilblain Manipulation Power Ice Manipulation Luck Common
244 Freezing Touch Power Ice Manipulation 3 Break Free Rare
245 Frozen Fists Power Ice Manipulation Luck Common
246 Ice Sword Power Ice Manipulation 1 Catch a Breath Uncommon
247 Icy Buildup Power Ice Manipulation 2 Luck Uncommon
248 Shiver Manipulation Power • Conductress Ice Manipulation 2 Luck Battle Pack
249 Dull Pain Power Invulnerability Break Free Common
250 Invincibility Power Invulnerability 2 Catch a Breath Uncommon
251 Liberty Belt Sig Power • Ms. Liberty Martial Arts Catch a Breath Battle Pack
252 Resist Elements Power Invulnerability 1 Catch a Breath Uncommon
253 Resist Physical Damage Power Invulnerability Catch a Breath Common
254 Unstoppable Power Invulnerability 3 Catch a Breath Rare
255 Unyielding Stance Power Invulnerability 2 Catch a Breath Uncommon
256 Cobra Strike Power Martial Arts Enrage Common
257 Crane Kick Power • Serpent Drummer Martial Arts 2 Break Free Battle Pack
258 Dragon's Tail Power • Ms. Liberty Martial Arts 2 Enrage Battle Pack
259 Eagle's Claw Power Martial Arts 3 Enrage Rare
260 Focus Chi Power Martial Arts 1 Break Free Uncommon
261 Thunder Kick Power Martial Arts Break Free Common
262 Confuse [4] Power • Sister Psyche Mind Control 2 Enrage Battle Pack
263 Dominate Power Mind Control 1 Enrage Uncommon
264 Levitate Power Mind Control Enrage Common
265 Mass Confusion Power Mind Control 3 Enrage Rare
266 Mesmerize Power Mind Control Insight Common
267 Total Domination Power • Tricksie Mind Control 2 Insight Battle Pack
268 Aid Other Power Common Pool Insight Common
269 Aid Self Power Common Pool 4 Break Free Common
270 Air Superiority Power Common Pool Insight Common
271 Brawl Power Common Pool Insight Common
272 Hasten Power Common Pool Insight Common
273 Maneuvers Power Common Pool 6 Break Free Uncommon
274 Resuscitate Power Common Pool 6 Respite Rare
275 Tactics Power Common Pool 4 Break Free Common
276 Tanker Taunt [5] Power Common Pool Break Free Uncommon
277 Tough Power Common Pool 4 Break Free Common
278 Atomic Blast Power Radiation Blast 3 Insight Rare
279 Cosmic Burst Power • Positron Radiation Blast 2 Insight Battle Pack
280 Electron Haze Power Radiation Blast 1 Insight Uncommon
281 Neutrino Bolt Power Radiation Blast Insight Common
282 Radiant Aim Power • Dynamique Radiation Blast 2 Insight Battle Pack
283 X-Ray Beam Power Radiation Blast Insight Common
284 Accelerate Metabolism Power Radiation Emission 1 Enrage Uncommon
285 EM Pulse Power Radiation Emission 3 Insight Rare
286 Enervating Field Power • Radstorm Radiation Emission 2 Insight Battle Pack
287 Lingering Radiation Power • Regulus Radiation Emission 2 Enrage Battle Pack
288 Overcharge Sig Power • Positron Radiation Emission Enrage Battle Pack
289 Radiation Aura Power Radiation Emission Enrage Common
290 Radiation Infection Power Radiation Emission Insight Common
291 Fast Healing Power Regeneration Respite Common
292 Instant Healing Power Regeneration 2 Respite Uncommon
293 Integration Power Regeneration 2 Respite Uncommon
294 Quick Recovery Power Regeneration 1 Respite Uncommon
295 Reconstruction Power Regeneration Respite Common
296 Revive [6] Power Regeneration 3 Respite Rare
297 Foot Stomp [7] Power Super Strength 3 Enrage Rare
298 Haymaker Power Super Strength 1 Enrage Uncommon
299 Jab Power Super Strength Enrage Common
300 Knockout Blow Power • Statesman Super Strength 2 Enrage Battle Pack
301 Punch Power Super Strength Enrage Common
302 Rage Power • Wasteland Super Strength 2 Enrage Battle Pack
303 Zeus' Lightning Bolt Sig Power • Statesman Super Strength Enrage Battle Pack
304 Acid Arrow Power • Manticore Trick Arrow 2 Insight Battle Pack
305 Disruption Arrow Power • Electronica Trick Arrow 2 Break Free Battle Pack
306 Glue Arrow Power Trick Arrow Break Free Common
307 Ice Arrow Power Trick Arrow Insight Common
308 Oil Slick Arrow Power Trick Arrow 3 Insight Rare
309 Poison Gas Arrow Power Trick Arrow 1 Break Free Uncommon
310 Mainline Sidekick • Blaster Electrical Blast • Devices • Jump Break Free Rare
311 Red Lightning Sidekick • Blaster Fire Blast • Electrical Manipulation • Jump Break Free Common
312 Hailstone Sidekick • Blaster Archery • Ice Manipulation • Flight Break Free Uncommon
313 Stratosphere Sidekick • Controller Gravity Control • Force Field • Flight Break Free Common
314 Blue Chill Sidekick • Controller Ice Control • Trick Arrow • Speed Break Free Uncommon
315 Psychedelic Sidekick • Controller Mind Control • Radiation Emission • Teleport Break Free Rare
316 Silo Sidekick • Defender Force Field • Archery • Teleport Break Free Common
317 Atomic Arrow Sidekick • Defender Trick Arrow • Radiation Blast • Jump Break Free Uncommon
318 Sparkle Sidekick • Defender Radiation Emission • Electrical Blast • Speed Break Free Rare
319 Wrath Sidekick • Scrapper Claws • Invulnerability • Jump Break Free Uncommon
320 Tenebros Sidekick • Scrapper Dark Melee • Regeneration • Teleport Break Free Rare
321 Shadow Crane Sidekick • Scrapper Martial Arts • Dark Armor • Flight Break Free Common
322 Fire Orchid Sidekick • Tanker Fiery Aura • Super Strength • Teleport Break Free Rare
323 Glitterdance Sidekick • Tanker Ice Armor • Energy Melee • Teleport Break Free Common
324 Impenetrable Sidekick • Tanker Invulnerability • Battle Axe • Jump Break Free Uncommon

Battle Pack Distribution List

This chart lists the fixed cards that come with the Heroes of the Arena Battle Packs

# Hero Signature Power Exclusive Power (x2) Other Cards
72 Flower Knight 125 • Summon Ancestor 155 • Explosive Arrow 183, 156, 153, 185, 154, 187, 59
73 Fusillade 128 • Rapid Fire 213 • Blaze 187, 215, 217, 183, 214, 185, 59
74 Bottle Rocket 130 • Skyrockets in Flight 152 • Aimed Arrow 195, 198, 156, 153, 154, 197, 59
75 Conductress 131 • Ice Spark 248 • Shiver Manipulation 243, 189, 190, 245, 245, 246, 59
76 Flux 132 • Amplification Band 186 • Trip Mine 183, 189, 190, 185, 185, 187, 68
78 Pyrexiah 129 • Equinox 216 • Fire Breath 245, 214, 217, 243, 215, 246, 68
79 Synapse 192 • Synaptic Strike 191 • Short Circuit 198, 197, 190, 189, 188, 195, 68
80 Trajectory 133 • Gravity Arrow 227 • Gravity Distortion Field 306, 226, 228, 307, 229, 309, 68
81 Tricksie 134 • Mind Shaft 267 • Total Domination 306, 266, 264, 307, 309, 263, 68
82 Snowslide 135 • Glacial Shift 239 • Flash Freeze 224, 237, 242, 238, 219, 220, 68
83 Chain Reaction 136 • Critical Reactor 225 • Crushing Field 290, 284, 226, 228, 229, 289, 59
84 Polar Star 137 • Icy Star 240 • Glacier 289, 284, 237, 242, 238, 290, 68
86 Sister Psyche 143 • Mindrider 262 • Confuse 224, 220, 266, 264, 263, 219, 58
87 Lighthouse 138 • Shield of Light 193 • Tesla Cage 190, 189, 224, 188, 189, 219, 58
88 Electronica 139 • Whistler 305 • Disruption Arrow 189, 306, 190, 188, 307, 309, 68
89 Dynamique 140 • Radiation Force 282 • Radiant Aim 283, 280, 224, 281, 281, 219, 58
90 Regulus 141 • Arcing Missile 287 • Lingering Radiation 156, 290, 284, 153, 289, 154, 59
91 Radstorm 142 • Radiation Storm 286 • Enervating Field 190, 189, 188, 284, 290, 289, 59
92 Manticore 126 • Teleport Arrow 304 • Acid Arrow 307, 153, 156, 306, 306, 309, 58
94 Positron 288 • Overcharge 279 • Cosmic Burst 281, 283, 289, 283, 280, 290, 68
95 Mynx 124 • Feral Flurry 166 • Follow Up 291, 167, 169, 294, 168, 295, 59
96 Serpent Drummer 144 • Snake Spirit 257 • Crane Kick 295, 291, 256, 260, 261, 294, 59
97 Lady Grey 145 • Aging Touch 179 • Siphon Life 291, 178, 177, 295, 181, 294, 59
98 Somber Warrior 146 • Knowledge of the Ages 176 • Dark Consumption 249, 178, 177, 253, 181, 252, 68
99 Stygian 147 • From Beyond 172 • Dark Regeneration 171, 178, 177, 173, 181, 174, 59
100 Night Strike 148 • Hit and Run 165 • Focus 173, 167, 169, 174, 168, 171, 59
101 Ms. Liberty 251 • Liberty Belt 258 • Dragon's Tail 253, 256, 261, 249, 252, 260, 68
103 Infernal 123 • Bind Demon 163 • Whirling Axe 160, 159, 158, 201, 159, 204, 68
104 Wasteland 149 • Survival of the Fittest 302 • Rage 301, 299, 231, 236, 298, 299, 59
105 Aesir 150 • Blood of Giants 162 • Swoop 159, 158, 160, 236, 160, 231, 68
106 Caldera 151 • Blazing Speed 207 • Stun 209, 201, 212, 208, 212, 204, 68
107 Hero 1 127 • Aid from the Fae 210 • Energy Transfer 212, 209, 208, 253, 209, 249, 67
109 Statesman 303 • Zeus' Lightning Bolt 300 • Knockout Blow 250, 253, 299, 298, 301, 252, 59

Demo Decks

# Name Type Power Set Inspiration Mynx Positron Statesman Synapse Tricksie [8] Normal
1 Mynx Hero • Scrapper Claws • Regeneration • Jump N/A
Battle Pack
2 Positron Hero • Defender Radiation Emission • Radiation Blast • Flight N/A
Battle Pack
3 Statesman Hero • Tanker Invulnerability • Super Strength • Flight N/A
Battle Pack
4 Synapse Hero • Blaster Electrical Blast • Electricity Manipulation • Speed N/A
Battle Pack
5 Tricksie Hero • Controller Mind Control • Trick Arrow • Jump N/A
Battle Pack
6 Atomic Arrow Sidekick • Defender Trick Arrow • Radiation Blast • Jump Break Free
7 Blue Chill Sidekick • Controller Ice Control • Trick Arrow • Speed Break Free
8 Glitterdance Sidekick • Tanker Ice Armor • Energy Melee • Teleport Break Free
9 Total Domination Power Mind Control Insight
Battle Pack
10 Red Lightning Sidekick • Blaster Fire Blast • Electrical Manipulation • Jump Break Free
11 Bob and Weave Edge Break Free
12 Status Reflection Edge Catch a Breath
13 Critical Strike Edge Insight
14 Cornered Edge Insight
15 Active Dodge Edge Break Free
16 Enraged Edge Break Free
17 Out of the Sun Edge Insight
18 Dramatic Improvement Edge Insight
19 Blunted Attack Edge Catch a Breath
20 Selfless Act Edge Insight
21 Siphon Power Edge Insight
22 Fast Attack Edge Insight
23 Resilient Edge Break Free
24 Back Alley Brawn Enhancement Insight
25 Enhance Damage Enhancement Insight
26 Enhance Resistance Enhancement Break Free
27 Amplify Debuff Enhancement Break Free
28 X-Ray Beam Power Radiation Blast Insight
29 Reduce Recharge Enhancement Break Free
30 Accelerate Metabolism Power Radiation Emission Enrage
31 Charged Bolt Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath
32 Chilling Embrace Power Ice Armor Luck
33 Cosmic Burst Power Radiation Blast Insight
Battle Pack
34 Disruption Arrow Power Trick Arrow Break Free
Battle Pack
35 Dominate Power Mind Control Enrage
36 Dull Pain Power Invulnerability Break Free
37 Electric Fence Power Electrical Manipulation Catch a Breath
38 Electron Haze Power Radiation Blast Insight
39 Fast Healing Power Regeneration Respite
40 Feral Flurry Sig Power Claws Enrage
Battle Pack
41 Follow Up Power Claws Enrage
Battle Pack
42 Glue Arrow Power Trick Arrow Break Free
43 Ice Arrow Power Trick Arrow Insight
44 Instant Healing Power Regeneration Respite
45 Invincibility Power Invulnerability Catch a Breath
46 Jab Power Super Strength Enrage
47 Knockout Blow Power Super Strength Enrage
Battle Pack
48 Levitate Power Mind Control Enrage
49 Lightning Bolt Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath
50 Lightning Field Power Electrical Manipulation Catch a Breath
51 Lingering Radiation Power Radiation Emission Enrage
Battle Pack
52 Mesmerize Power Mind Control Insight
53 Mind Shaft Sig Power Mind Control Enrage
Battle Pack
54 Neutrino Bolt Power Radiation Blast Insight
55 Overcharge Sig Power Radiation Emission Enrage
Battle Pack
56 Punch Power Super Strength Enrage
57 Quick Recovery Power Regeneration Respite
58 Radiation Aura Power Radiation Emission Enrage
59 Radiation Infection Power Radiation Emission Insight
60 Rage Power Super Strength Enrage
Battle Pack
61 Reconstruction Power Regeneration Respite
62 Resist Physical Damage Power Invulnerability Catch a Breath
63 Short Circuit Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath
Battle Pack
64 Slash Power Claws Catch a Breath
65 Spin Power Claws Enrage
66 Swipe Power Claws Catch a Breath
67 Synaptic Strike Sig Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath
Battle Pack
68 Tesla Cage Power Electrical Blast Catch a Breath
Battle Pack
69 Zeus' Lightning Bolt Sig Power Super Strength Enrage
Battle Pack

Promo Cards

Name Type Power Set Inspiration Quantity Source
Alien Mind Control Edge Insight
Tournament Prize Kit (Prize card)
Full Moon Edge Insight
Tournament Prize Kit (Participant card)
Got There First Edge Insight Unknown
Spirit of the Furies Enhancement Insight
City of Heroes (Top Cow) Issue 12
Statesman Hero • Tanker Invulnerability • Super Strength • Flight N/A
City of Villains (Box Set)
Kill Skuls Mission Insight Unknown
Boxing Power Common Pool Insight Unknown
Provoke Power Common Pool Break Free
CCG Arena Battle Box


  1. (25) Uncanny Insight is printed with an "Uncommon" symbol, but is sometimes included as a common card once or twice through an entire booster pack box.
  2. (198) Lightning Field is misprinted with an "Uncommon" symbol.
  3. (222) Force Bubble originally had misprinted action text. See article for incorrect version.
  4. (262) Confuse originally had misprinted action text. See article for incorrect version.
  5. (276) Tanker Taunt is misprinted with a "Common" symbol.
  6. (296) Revive was omitted from the deck as a regular card, but it is available in a foil version.
  7. (297) Foot Stomp was omitted from the deck as a regular card, but it is available in a foil version.
  8. Information for the Tricksie demo deck was gathered from the PDF file on the official CCG website. It's unknown if there was ever a physical version printed.

See Also