McKnight's Katana

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From the Story Arc "Corp Wars" given by Chance McKnight.
This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 8-15.

Souvenir's Text

McKnight's Katana

Chance McKnight gave you a katana. He said it was given to him by Boss Tatsuri, the man who he initially worked for as an operative undercover in the Syndicate. McKnight said that Tatsuri was actually a good man, and when he was assassinated by Sigg Bowman, McKnight almost went undercover for good. Sometimes you take the weapon off of its stand and pull the mirror finished blade free from its black lacquered scabbard and reflect on the massacre in the streets of Imperial City known as:

The Syndicate Corp Wars

It all started when you were assigned to work with an undercover operative named Chance McKnight. McKnight had infiltrated the Syndicate, and was by far the deepest anyone had ever gone in before. He had information that elements of the Syndicate were allying with the Resistance and under those pretenses he had you play the part of a Resistance sympathizer in Powers Division. In order to prove your worth he sent you against Byron Wade, one of Octavian's lieutenants.

With Wade smashed, McKnight sent you to meet with his boss, Mr. Richard Jones. Jones had you attack a lab owned by another rival Syndicate boss by the name of Masamoto.

The attack completely caught Masamoto off guard, and he wrongly believed that it was done by Octavian's men. Taking advantage of the distraction, Jones sent you and Chance McKnight in to capture Masamoto. Armed with mini-guns the two of you made short work of Masamoto's guards.

Jones wasn't the only one impressed with your abilities, he sent you to meet his boss, Mr. Tub Ci Tang. Tang bestowed his plan to use mercy as a way to starve Octavian of supporters and to draw the survivors of the other Syndicate rivals back to the true Syndicate. He then had you show Masamoto just how merciful he was by beating him to within an inch of his life and then offering to welcome him back into the Syndicate.

With Masamoto and his men now back in the fold of the true Syndicate, Mr. Tang called upon you to eliminate the only remaining rival; Octavian. You stormed Octavian's corporation and swept aside his defenders. Squaring off against Octavian proved to be a tough affair, he was a powerful psychic and had rallied many powerful allies to his cause, but in the end you overcame even him.

Broken and defeated you questioned Octavian of what was the cause of the Syndicate Corp Wars and learned that while the line in the sand was about ideology, the true reason the war started was because Penelope Yin, the daughter of the Syndicate's true leader, Wu Yin, had disappeared. Accusations of kidnapping were all it took for blood to start being spilled and paranoia to run rampant. In the end, Yin turned to the Resistance for aid. The move further divided the Syndicate but ultimately, as you can attest, Yin prevailed.

You snap the blade back into the scabbard and place it back on the stand wondering if one day it will be used to draw Syndicate blood again.

See Also