Mission:Corp Wars - Part Three: It's Raining Lead
Part Three: It's Raining Lead
Just got a call from Jones. Masamoto just started an attack on Octavian's forces. Looks like he thinks Octavian betrayed him. Jones told me to get the remnants of Tatsuri's men ready, we're going in to attack Masamoto now.
We're going in with some heavy firepower. Other than Masamoto, Jones wants no survivors.
- Attack Masamoto
Character, keep an eye out. There's more going on here than we know. Jones wants Masamoto's forces decimated, but he specifically wants us to take Masamoto alive. I protested this course of action, but he assured me that Masamoto's blood would be on my hands soon enough.
The only reason I could see for this course of action is that Masamoto knows something of critical importance and they need him to talk. The Syndicate leadership sits in a deep shadow, Character, and I can't see who is pulling the strings. I think there is more to this war than just a difference of opinion over whether or not to ally with the Resistance. Something big is going on.
You've received a chain gun.

Ranged Lethal, High Dam, +Acc
Sprays a massive burst of lead at a target. Lots of damage and a bonus to hit, but slow to reload. 30 uses left.
Destroy Masamoto's Forces
Unnecessary Solicitation
Whenever you're ready, let's storm the place.
Mission Objective(s)
McKnight and what was left of Tatsuri's men have already started fighting.
- Destroy Masamoto's Forces
- Capture Masamoto
You captured Masamoto and destroyed his organization.
Notable NPCs
- Chance McKnight (Boss) (Ally)
- Chance McKnight is a Ministry of Information investigator working undercover in the Syndicate.
- Masamoto (Syndicate Sword Master) (Boss)
- Masamoto is one of the top Syndicate leaders. He has enjoyed great success in the Syndicate Corp Wars due to his own martial prowess.
Talk to Richard Jones
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jones has something important to talk to you about.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Richard Jones
Excellent work in taking apart Masamoto's organization. What's left of his men and women are scattered to the wind as road ronin and they'll have a hard time finding any place to belong between Octavian and us.
My boss wishes to meet you. They've requested your presence while Masamoto is questioned.
- Leave
Meet Jones' Boss
Unnecessary Solicitation
I hear you are going to meet Jones' boss. Character, this is the highest up the chain anybody outside of the Syndicate has ever seen. If you can find out who the head or heads of the true Syndicate are, then we can launch a massive attack and decapitate this entire wretched beast.
Mission Objective(s)
Either you are about to be inducted into the inner circle of a Syndicate family, or you are about to be killed and buried where they'll never find your body.
- Meet Jones' Boss
- Talk To Tub Ci Tang
- Beat Masamoto Senseless
- Talk To Tub Ci Tang
You met with Tub Ci Tang, Mr. Richard Jones' boss. You are now one step removed from the head of the Syndicate, but the shadows still conceal his identity.
Notable NPCs
- Tub Ci Tang (NPC)
- Masamoto (Syndicate Boss) (NPC)
- How can I serve you, Mr. Tang?
Vengeance, and justice, Character.
A very wise man once asked me if I knew the difference between them?
I thought I did, but his wisdom was profound. Shall I tell you what he told me?
- If it pleases you, Mr. Tang.
Justice is given, vengeance is earned.
Some people are worthy of neither, but only the most exceptional individuals are worthy of both.
Do you understand this?
- I believe so, Mr. Tang.
There is a dog in the next room. To your eyes he may appear to be a man, but in your heart you will see him as an animal. I say this because he is the honorless dog that betrayed and killed Tatsuri.
- What do you wish me to do?
Show him vengeance, show him justice, and then show him the most powerful act of all... mercy.
- As you wish.
- I have done as you said, Mr. Tang.
Do you know why I had you show Masamoto mercy, Character?
- I admit, I am unsure.
I was once shown mercy when I was deserving of only vengeance.
My master made sure that I would remember well his lesson of mercy, and so he took my eye.
But he gave me so much more in return.
- Mr. Tang?
My master's profound insight unlocked within me my true potential. His act of mercy indebted me to his most righteous path and I have served him since that day.
When it came time for him to exact justice against those who wished him dead, he gave them one last chance to avert their doom, just as he had me. Thus was born the Syndicate.
Those that refused... They were not deserving of mercy.
- Why are you telling me this, Mr. Tang?
This war is barbaric. Some believe we have lost our way by joining forces with the Resistance. But the decision was not their choice to make.
It is my duty to bring order back to the Syndicate. To do that, I must fight from the moral high ground of honor and compassion. We must show our enemies mercy, and hope that justice can be served without the dirty business of vengeance.
- You are indeed a wise man.
My wisdom is not as profound as my Master's, but his lessons have not gone unheard. The true threat to the Syndicate is not the Resistance or the emperor, it is the blind selfishness that festers in the heart of men like Octavian.
We have no choice but to prune the bansai of its rotten leaves and what remains shall once more be pure.
Octavian must die, so that the Syndicate may live.
- What do you wish me to do?
Report back to Richard Jones. Inform him that Masamoto has confirmed that Octavian shall receive no mercy for what he has done.
- (Leave)
Report back to Jones
Unnecessary Solicitation
Jones has been asking if I've heard from you since you talked to his boss. Report to him, then come see me.
Mission Objective(s)
- Report back to Jones
What did Master Tang have to say?
Hmmm, I see. So, we are to show Masamoto's men mercy while Octavian shall not be spared.
I want you to talk to McKnight and inform him that he and his men will need to spread the word to Masamoto's men that they will be welcomed back into the fold.
- Leave
What did you learn? Who is Jones' boss?
Tub Ci Tang? But that man has been dead for years!
Character, we're moving into very dangerous waters here. Octavian is the only obstacle that remains keeping the Syndicate divided. If we are to destroy this beast then we will have to find out who the leader of the Syndicate is and eliminate him, Tub Ci Tang, and Octavian all within a very small window of time. Once the Syndicate has been reconstituted I'm afraid that the leader of the Syndicate may fade back into the shadows once more.
I'll have the Ministry dig up everything they can on Tub Ci Tang and see if we can find out how we didn't know he's been alive these past ten years.