Mission:Guns and Money - Part Four: Path to Glory
Part Four: Path to Glory
Mission Briefing
My guess is that the Resistance are working with someone in Syfotine Industries, but to what end I can't put my finger on. I think it's good you came to me before charging off to Syfotine Industries, who knows what is really going on down there.
We need to think on this a bit first, make sure you don't bite off more than you can handle.
Discuss options with Warrant
I have a few ideas, but I want to hear yours as well. We've got to act fast though, the PPD may learn what we do about Syfotine Industries and then they could steal your thunder.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Let's hear what you have to say.
The way I see it, if you just rush off to Syfotine Industries you're probably going to walk into more than you can handle.
- Send the PPD in first
- Oh, that's a good idea. But that could end up burning you later, especially if it's more than they can handle.
- We need a way to anonymously tip them off.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
- Why don't you come with me?
- No, that'd be a bad idea. I'd steal your thunder. They know me, they'd figure you were just helping me out.
- Well, how about the PPD, then?
- That's a better idea. But... it could end up burning you later, especially if it's more than they can handle.
- We need a way to anonymously tip them off. (A)
- I know just how to do that. The PPD responds rapidly to any Seer reports of crime in progress, generally because it is of a violent nature.
- But in addition, I know a Seer who has a hard time filtering thoughts from voices. You plant the idea in her head that something is going on in Syfotine Industries and nobody will be able to sift a memory of you out of the soup in her head.
- Sounds good, then I can swoop in and not only stop the bad guys, but save the PPD as well.
- Sounds like a solid plan.

According to Warrant, Seer 0511 is a little loopy. She tends to vocalize a lot of the thoughts she picks up, but a directed question at her will result in a swift answer.
She'll be perfect since nobody will be able to determine if she picked up some telltale thought about the illegal activity in Syfotine, or if someone directly told her.
Visit Seer 0511
Unnecessary Solicitation
Remember, Seer 0511 is a bit more detached than the other Seers. You can tell her exactly what to report and she wouldn't notice that it didn't come from her own mind.
...I just love the way Enriche tastes, don't you?
...We have a meeting in thirty minutes, make sure to read the report on...
...Kevin, do these pants make me look fat?
- Resistance. Syfotine Industries. Forced Entry. Innocents in danger. Gunfire.
...Don't roll your eyes at me...
Attention Network: This is Seer 0511. Syfotine Industries requires immediate PPD response. Resistance forces have occupied the building. Innocents are in danger. Gunfire has been reported.
...Mom, I don't want to log in to school today, can't I play Guardians of Praetoria online today with Jonny? We're almost level...
- Good girl.
Notable NPCS
- Seer 0511 (NPC)
Part Five: Save Syfotine Industries
Take Note: This mission has several different maps that you might get. If you do not see an NPC called Point Blank, then this mission will be bugged. You might try to contact the HC devs via discord, or the menu-options-support ticket.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The PPD have already responded and have arrived in Syfotine Industries. They're reporting meeting heavy resistance.
Mission Objective(s)
You step over PPD officers and past walls riddled full of holes from assault weapons. Looks like it's up to you to save the day.
- Save Syfotine Industries
- Defeat Resistance Leader.
- Defeat Syndicate Leader
You took down a cell of heavily armed Resistance terrorists and uncovered a dangerous plot masterminded by the Chief Technology Officer of Syfotine Industries, Claudia Michaels. All that remains is to answer a few questions for TPN and give the adoring populace some face time with their new favorite Powers Division member, Character.
Notable NPCS
- Stolen Weapons x4 (Object)
- Ramirez (Syndicate Striker) (Lieutenant)
- Traffic (The Resistance Veteran) (Lieutenant)
- Showers (Syndicate Striker) (Lieutenant)
- Claudia Michaels (Syndicate Suit) (Boss)
- Point Blank (The Resistance Officer) (Boss)

You found a significant number of the stolen weapons from Novahold Storage. Rather than risk them falling into the wrong hands you destroyed them. Plus, it's a much more dramatic way to tell the story when the press questions you later.

It's fairly clear that the Resistance and the Syndicate are working together. Not only that, but they seem to have the run of the place.

You discovered that the Resistance has been working for Claudia Michaels and the Syndicate this entire time. The riot, the theft of the weapons at Novahold Storage, and their use in the attack on Gravatech Labs; all of it was masterminded by the Claudia, the CTO of Syfotine Industries.
You aren't sure how far the Syndicate has influence up the corporate chain at Syfotine, but needless to say, a full scale investigation will be in order, and that means headlines!

You spend the next hour or so being interviewed by TPN reporters, endlessly rehashing your daring efforts to expose Claudia Michaels, the Chief Technology Officer of Syfotine Industries, as a member of the Syndicate. You also reveal her plot to ally with the Resistance and destroy one of her company's competitors, Gravatech Labs.
With the flash of cameras and the cheer of the assembled crowd you excuse yourself, claiming that your good deeds are needed elsewhere.
Bravo, Character. I don't think I've seen the crowd worked as well since Reese took center stage, or since the golden days of Cole fighting on the front lines against the Devouring Earth.
Big things are in store for you. The Top Dogs have sat up and taken notice, and Reese wants to see how much of your power is real, and how much of it is flair. It may be easy to impress the masses, but Reese is a much more accurate judge of power, I hope you can stand up to his scrutiny.