Mission:I Destroy, Therefore I Am! - Part Three: Mr. Fixadine, Sing Me a Song

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Part Three: Mr. Fixadine, Sing Me a Song


Alright, Character, my crew found where Mr. Fixadine is operating.

Guy is a clever piece of work. He moves his operation through the tunnels and up into various warehouses in Nova, never stays in more than one place for too long. Must be why the PPD haven't been able to find him.

Only problem here is that, from what they say, Mr. Fixadine has got a ton of Destroyers in his little entourage. Must be easy keeping them all on a leash when you control the flow of the stuff. Man, just thinkin' about it...

Look, it's gonna be up to you to get to that warehouse and grab Mr. Fixadine and his stash. We control Mr. 'Fix', we control the stash, meanin' we control the Destroyers. This here is a big moment for us, Character, and you're gonna be the person who is at the front of it all!

If Mr. Fixadine really does control the entire stash, there's nothing stopping you from just... taking control of it for yourself, instead of for the Resistance...

  • Leave it to me, Jack. I'll get it done.

That's what I like about you, Character, you're all about getting things DONE!

When you got the stash and Mr. Fix, drag him back to me and we'll figure out what our next move is gonna be.

Like I said though, be careful, this place is gonna be crawling with Destroyers. No way of telling what you're gonna run into when you arrive.

Capture Mr. Fixadine

Unnecessary Solicitation

We're all ready here for whenever you get Mr. Fix.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map N Warehouse 30 Layout 01 04.png
Map: N_Warehouse_30_Layout_01_04

You can smell Fixadine in the air. This has to be the place where Mr. Fixadine is waiting. Time to find him.

  • Capture Mr. Fixadine
    • Take out the front guard
    • Take out the Destroyer computer
    • Take in Mr. Fixadine

You found Mr. Fixadine, but it seems like he's just another link in the chain to getting what you want.



Notable NPCs

The Mainframe computer must be destroyed

Ambush! Be careful of Proximity bombs located throughout the mission. If you get too close a brief warning and alarm will sound then they will explode.

Proximity triggered! Two... One ...

Ambush! At this point Mr. Fixadine will teleport away to safety and a group of Destroyers will ambush you: Blast Master: Don't let Character get Mr. Fixadine!

The Fixadine Conspiracy

Mr. Fixadine told you everything you needed to know once you were done 'convincing' him in the warehouse.

'I got nothin' here, Character, I sold it all! Owwww...! You gotta understand, I don't control the stuff! I just get told where to pick it up. I'm just the middle man, I swear! Sometimes I go to the warehouse, other times they tell me to go to the place where they make the stuff. I'll tell you where it is, just don't hurt me!'

Speak with Jack Hammer

Unnecessary Solicitation

Let's talk this out in person, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Jack Hammer


Hey Character, what happened? Where's the stash?

You got Mr. Fixadine, right? What's going on?

  • Mr. Fixadine is just another link in the chain. He's not behind all this.

If you didn't give Jack the Fixadine

Hrm... that's not good. So we're still in for a little more work, eh? That's fine, that's fine.
If Mr. Fixadine gave us the right info, then all we gotta do is track down the location of this place, get in there, and get out. Simple stuff, right?
Give me a bit to get things together, then we'll get a plan goin'.
  • Alright Jack.

If you gave Jack the Fixadine

Man... this isn't good, Character. I thought we had everything figured out.
Jack Hammer injects himself with some Fixadine, letting out a relaxed sigh.
Ahhh...ahh...YEAH! Alright! We GOT this, Character.
You give me a few minutes... and I'm gonna RALLY up our boys... and we're gonna move this thing forward and take down all those smarmy Praetors on topside!
  • Let me know what's going to happen.

If you sold Jack the Fixadine

Part of me kinda wonders if you sold off the stuff you found, Character, given that whole little deal that went down earlier with you and me.
I kinda wonder, would you take all the stash for yourself and sell it to the PPD?
To regular citizens? To the Destroyers?
Just in order to make a profit?
  • I wouldn't do that, Jack. Nothing was there. -Nothing-
Alright... maybe that's right, maybe I'm just getting a bit ahead of myself. Just give me a sec to figure things out, get some of my crew ready for our next move.
  • Alright.
  • We'll never know what I would've done, because nothing was there.
Yeah... guess we'll never know, huh?
Look, Character, I might not trust you too much, but I'm gonna still need your help on finishing this up. Talk with me in a bit, I'm gonna get some of the boys ready for our next move.
  • Alright.
  • That depends on how much they were offering. But nothing was there for me to sell.
You're lucky I need yor help, Character, or else I'd throw down with you here and now.
Things go south again, I might not be so nice about just forgettin' all this and moving forward, yeah?
So why don't you just back off and let me figure things out for a bit?
  • Someone's a little touchy. I'll be back.

If you gave Dr. Arvin the Fixadine

What?! He's not the source?! What did we do all that work for?! You ain't lying to me, are you, Character?
'Cause guess what I just found out from Tunnel Rat? Seems like Dr. Arvin mysteriously got himself some Fixadine.
From you. You wanna explain what's up with that? Why you were holding out on me? I offered you good money for that crush, and you just gave it away to Arvin!
  • Arvin was the best choice. He's actually doing something with it.
Doing domething with it?!
I'm DOING something with the crush too, Character, I'm using it to motivate this people down here!
You got some nerve givin' it to Arvin when WE need it to help win this war of ours.
But whatever, I'm just gonna keep this whole little deal in the back of my mind, yeah? So why don't you just back off and give me some space.
We'll figure out what to do next, since this guy wasn't our big ticket out.
  • Alright then.
  • You're just an addict, Jack. I'm not fueling your addiction.
I ain't addicted to the stuff, Character. You hear me?? I got complete control over this thing!
I use the stuff, I control it, I COMMAND it!
You got no right tryin' to decide whether or not I don't need it!
Just back off me, I need some time to calm down, figure this stuff out, what we're gonna do next. Got a lot of people relying on us to get this stuff, and I ain't gonna just let this stop us.
  • Alright.


Alright, Character. So I sent some guys over to investigate that place that Mr. Fixadine told you about. We're gonna get to the bottom of this as soon as we can.

I gotta say though, you and me, we're working this thing out pretty well. Mr. Fixadine might've been a bust, but this time, THIS time, we're gonna go straight to the source!