Mission:Misinformation - Part Four: Face to Face
Part Four: Face to Face
I got word from some members of the Resistance that we need to get this information on Eddie to that woman you talked to, BV. Which... will be tough. See, BV is kinda wanted for... a lot of things. So any meetings with her need to be strictly in the underground.
She's arranged a place for this meeting to happen. Fortunately, you get to be the one to meet her. I mean, you know how badly I want to meet her face to face? If I just had a chance... I mean, what could she look like? Do you think she's beautiful?
... anyway. Unfortunately, the meeting is happening in a part of the tunnels infested by ghouls. It's the one place that she knows the PPD won't be - we can't risk her getting captured. So, are you up for a playdate with BV in a hive of ghouls?
- Well, Robert, you make it sound terribly enticing.
I know, right?
You can get to the tunnels that she'll be in through the usual entrance.
You'll have to clear out some ghouls first before it'll be safe for her to come out.
She's tough, but, well, we also can't risk her getting chomped by some ghouls. Precious cargo, you know?
Players who originally chose Loyalist now have the opportunity to call up Provost Marchand to inform him of current events. Messages such as this will appear in missions where this is possible. If you originally did not choose to be a Loyalist, you can not do undercover Loyalist work in Resistance missions; you can do undercover work against the Loyalists in their missions. Players who change their faction can still do undercover work for the side they originally chose.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Man, can you at least tell her that I said hello?
Mission Objective(s)
The stench of ghouls and death hangs in the air.
This seems to be exactly the kind of place BV prefers to meet with people.
- Meet with BV
- Defeat Bone Eater
- Defeat Man Eater
- Speak with BV
- Fend off the incoming PPD
You were able to fight off the PPD and discovered a mysterious third party helping the Resistance; a man named Dark Watcher.
Notable NPCs
- Man Eater (Ghouls Manslayer) (Boss)
- Bone Eater (Ghouls Manslayer) (Boss)
- Belladonna Vetrano (The Resistance) (Ally)

You defeated Man Eater and found one of his chains were cracked open. Looking inside of it, you saw various bits of technology almost spilling out. A small red light that was inside flashed once and then died away.
Character, good to meet you in person. I apologize it had to be done in this manner, but, well, when you live like I do, you can't take any chances. My name is BV - Belladona Vetrano.
You have the dossier on Eddie Polstra, yes?
- That I do. What are you going to do with it?
- This may come as a surprise, but I'm simply delivering this to someone else who might know what to do with it.
- The man's name is Dark Watcher, though I haven't met him in person. Very mysterious, that one. I received a message after your discovery of Eddie Polstra. It was from Dark Watcher, saying to do everything possible to find out what they know about Eddie.
- I'm not too sure who this Dark Watcher is, but he's extremely interested in Eddie.
- Well, here is the file. What's next? (A)
- That would be it, I believe.
- I'll bring this to Dark Watcher's other messenger, it should get to him eventually.
- Alright, I'm going to be on my way.
- ...?! Hold on, Character! We've got a situation!
- PPD!
If you're working for the Loyalists
- (Plant tracking device on the folder and hand it over)
- You hand Belladonna the folder with a small tracking device on it.
- This may come as a surprise, but I'm simply delivering this to someone else who might know what to do with it.
- The man's name is Dark Watcher, though I haven't met him in person. Very mysterious, that one. I received a message after your discovery of Eddie Polstra. It was from Dark Watcher, saying to do everything possible to find out what they know about Eddie.
- I'm not too sure who this Dark Watcher is, but he's extremely interested in Eddie.
- What's next?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
That was too close, Character. I can't believe the PPD are planting tracking devices on ghouls now. How do they even do that?
I kinda wonder who this Dark Watcher guy is though... I mean, I thought Belladona was supposed to be really high up in the Resistance. Who is this guy that even she is only meeting with one of his messengers?
I only hope that he's here to help us save this city's memory. My father's actions in the Hamidon Wars were already erased by Cole... I don't want that to happen to anyone else.
Speaking of saving things, someone needs your help. That guy Paolo Marino. Only way you're gonna be able to help him is if you meet up with Tunnel Rat.