Mission:Noble Intentions - Chapter One: Muckraking
Chapter One: Muckraking
John is looking uncharacteristically sweaty and is constantly checking his appearance in the news van's rear view mirror.
I'm not going to lie, Character, not this time. There's too much at risk. I'll be frank with you - I'm nervous. Not for my sake, of course, but for my source. I was supposed to meet them to get some information they couldn't deliver over the phone. Hush-hush stuff. Very confidential. Top secret!
I was late for our meeting, and when I arrived I heard voices, so I stayed calm and collected and approached cautiously. I only caught a glimpse of them in the dim light but I recognized them. They were Warriors, and they had my source! I watched helplessly as they dragged her into one of those nasty sewers. There was nothing I could do, I'm sure you agree. I'm not a hero or even an anti-hero, but I can't give up on a source. It's just not done. So I need you to go down there and bring her back. The information she's got is of vital public interest.
- Save the girl, save democracy? Sure, I'll do it. For a price.
Save the girl, save democracy? Sure, I'll do it. For a price.
Of course, of course, I know your reputation. I'm putting you on retainer, Character. Once we have confirmed that information I'm sure I can use your services again. Now please hurry, I don't want to have to report on yet another innocent victim of Paragon City gang crime.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I can't understand why the Warriors would go after my source. She's a Praetorian refugee like me, and she's not one to draw any attention. Maybe one day I can get an interview with some Warriors to find out what makes them tick. But this is not that day. Go on, Character, find my source!
Mission Objective(s)
Clearly visible tracks in the foul muck. John's source is leaving a trail for you to follow. Clever girl.
- Recover the source
- Find Houston's Source
- Get Tunnel Rat to safety
- Speak with Tunnel Rat
- Find Houston's Source
You have rescued Tunnel Rat and acquired the information Houston wanted.
Notable NPCs
- Tunnel Rat (Resistance Boss, Ally)
- Orion (Warriors Smasher Elite, Boss) Orion is a hunter, through and through, and rarely loses his prey.
You found her? I knew it was a good idea to hire you. I understand why she didn't want to be seen with me. Tunnel Rat isn't one for the spotlight - or any light, really. Wait, she said I smelled bad?
You're good at this. I'm starting to feel like I'm back home. It's comfortable.

John's source turned out to be another Praetorian refugee, a woman called 'Tunnel Rat'. The warriors had grabbed her since they believed she had information on someone called 'Alexander the Great', one of their former members. Alexander Pavlidis was going into politics, and Tunnel Rat had learned that he was getting in with some bad bedfellows from Striga called the Port Noble Citizens Brigade. John Houston put you on retainer and asked you to head to Striga to interview the locals.