Finale: My Nephew, the Monster
This is it, Character, everything we've worked for has come down to this one moment. I say we, as I've come to trust you as a valuable friend. Not an assistant, mind you, a friend.
The PPD have my lab guarded, but I know of a time when their guard will be lowered. Tunnel Rat will create a distraction for us. That is when you and I can sneak in with Subject Zero.
Once we're inside, I can administer the final step in the cure for Fixadine.
Are you ready, Character?
Excellent. Wait for the appointed time, then head into the my lab. It's located a bit from the hospital itself, due to some of the odd research I've done. I'll be right behind you. And Character, thank you. For everything.
Those Loyalists who are truly loyal to the safety and peace of Praetoria would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about the recent turn of events.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We shouldn't be seen talking at the moment, Character, given that we're about to perform some less than legal activities.
Contacting Provost Marchand
Character, I assume you're working with Arvin on curing Subject Zero? I apologize for the intrusion of the PPD, they were sent in by the Deputy Assistant of Information.
The piece of slime was looking to boost his own reputation by claiming he was the one to come up with the cure.
- Arvin is going to cure Subject Zero. What then?
I imagine given Arvin's relationship to Subject Zero, he will want to use the Resistance to get him out of Praetoria.
We can either sit back and let it happen, or move in to stop him.
I can tell you now that the Deputy's men are waiting to storm the lab at a moment's notice. If Arvin goes in there and performs any experiments, they'll know.
What you do is your choice, Character. Depending on how... far you want to take this.
- How far I want to take this?
Yes. Have you heard of the Crusaders?
They are the insane members of the Resistance, the ones that I believe Calvin Scott is a part of. Most of them don't care about politics or the government. They just want to see our fair city burn. It's very difficult to track them and find out what they're doing - the group is just too unpredictable.
However, to have a mole inside of the Crusaders... it would be a great help to Praetoria. But there are many dangers involved.
You'll have to perform acts that are vile and horrifying, harm people you may care about, even kill innocent civilians. All in order to keep your cover within the Crusaders.
Also, no one in the PPD would know that you were doing this. If you were to be captured in the act... no one within our organization would rescue you, not even myself. You would be going into the lair of the beast - and only I would know that you are doing it to save our city.
If you wish to do this, to go further, then you should aid Arvin in any way that you can.
If not, then bring Subject Zero and Arvin in. We'll work on the cure and give them their proper sentence.
Good luck, Character. Whatever you choose to do, we will continue to work together - either against the Wardens, or against the Crusaders.
Two Paths
You spoke with Marchand regarding the situation with Arvin. Marchand offered you a proposal - arrest Arvin and continue your spy work within the Wardens, or help Arvin and go even deeper undercover into the Crusaders. The choice, as Marchand said, is up to you.
Mission Objective(s)
Dr. Arvin's lab is devoid of life, the PPD following Tunnel Rat's distraction. Now is the perfect time to get in here and take care of matters.
'Everything we've worked for has come down to this one moment...'
Dr. Arvin: Quickly, Character, we must get the subject inside of the container. We have no time to lose!
Dr. Arvin: Character, this is incredible!
Dr. Arvin: Subject Zero... Louis... he is completely cured of Fixadine!
Dr. Arvin: He can go on to live a normal life... no more cravings... no more rage!
Dr. Arvin: I can get my nephew to members of the Resistance right away.
Dr. Arvin: They will get him out of Praetoria so he can start his life over!
Dr. Arvin: It's the PPD! Character, you need to help me get Louis out of Praetoria!
Editor's Note:
There is no completion text or debriefing for this mission.