Mission:Rise to Power - Part One: Yes, I Survived
Part One: Yes, I Survived
If you're going to be on my team, you'll have to earn your keep, Character.
The PPD have discovered a Resistance base down in the tunnels under the Magisterium. Got some sort of leader named Tock down there calling the shots. They wanted to go in there and bring him in, but I told 'em that we'd handle it.
You wanna prove that you're the big bad around here, right? Well, go down there and mop up that Resistance cell.
Given the plainly obvious fact that Reese doesn't like you, it's most likely the case that he's sending you straight into a trap. If the PPD were going to clean this place out, it's unlikely that it'll give you any problems. However, you'll have the benefit of walking into the situation knowing beforehand that Reese intends for you to die in these tunnels.
- Sure, I'll go check it out.
Good to see you're all gung-ho about going in for this.
Here's the location where you can get inside. It shouldn't be too hard for someone like you to bring him in. I'd do it, but I've got more important things to worry about.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You're gonna do that thing, right?
Mission Objective(s)
You can smell sulfur in the air - the Resistance are making bombs down here. You'd better watch your step.
- Defeat Tock in the Tunnels
- Defeat Tock
- Don't go near the Proximity Bombs
You've finished off Tock and survived all of the planted explosives. Time to go back to Reese and show him that you're still alive.
Notable NPCs
- Proximity Bombs (Object)
- Tock (Resistance Officer)

You went down to defeat the Resistance leader in the tunnels and ran into several planted bombs, ready to explode. It's obvious that Reese sent you down here in the hopes that you wouldn't return - only a specially trained demolitions should have been sent in there.
Unfortunately for Reese, you survived - and the press will take notice.

You're greeted by the press of Praetoria as you step out of the tunnels. It seems someone put in a tip that you were going to disarm a highly volatile situation with the Resistance. The press ask you various questions and take some photos before rushing off to report about your latest heroics, or so they believe.
...hello, Character. I'm not surprised to see you alive. After all, you were all over the news, what with you disarming the bomb situation.
You know, being in Powers Division isn't about hogging fame and glory. It's serious work.
You'd better learn that or else you'll get put down real soon. But you're alive. Which is...good. It means there's more stuff you can handle while I'm out doing the important tasks at hand.
I'm tired of us talking face to face. Take this so we don't need to do this anymore.