Mission:Rise to Power - Part Two: The Life and Times of You
Part Two: The Life and Times of You
Do you know why we're here, Character? It's because the Resistance thinks that the subway and the tunnels under Nova Praetoria are safe.
Warrant reports that he got a confession from a Resistance fighter about where they're meeting. Now, Warrant said he was gonna go handle this meeting on his own, but I think you should be the one to go down there and take care of business.
Go speak with him and tell him that the higher ups in the Powers Division are telling him to allow you to handle this. Pretty nice of me, isn't it?
- You're practically a saint.
Don't get smart with me, Character. Just go see what Warrant has and take care of whatever it is.
Talk to Warrant
Unnecessary Solicitation
Warrant is a busy man, don't keep him waiting.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Warrant
Hey there, Character. Saw you on the news earlier today.
I heard Reese was planning on sending you down there, so I may or may not have told them that you were out to get a high-profile situation disarmed. Figured you'd make it out alright - the look on Reese's face when the show came up was priceless.
So Reese wants you to handle this case of mine? Figures. I was going to go in there with Stern, but he wants to send you in there alone. Must mean he's trying to kill you - again.
Well, here's the information I have. I doubt you'll die over there, so I'll see what I can do on my end to help you make Reese look like a fool.
Take out the Resistance Gathering
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Resistance aren't going to wait for you down in the tunnels forever, get a move on.
Mission Objective(s)
The Resistance seem to be slipping if they think they can keep supplies on the surface.
It should be simple enough to beat them all down - then show off your victory to make Reese look like a fool.
- Take out the Resistance Gathering
- 3 Supply Crates Remain
You destroyed the Resistance supply cache!
Notable NPCs
- Resistance Supply Crate x3 (Object)
- Pipe (Resistance Officer) (Boss)
- Ringtone (Resistance Officer) (Boss)

You step out of the warehouse to see a small squad of reporters waiting to get your photo. Amongst all of their questions, one stands out -
'What are you thoughts on Praetor White ordering an Induction Ceremony?'
I tell you this isn't about fame and glory, and what do you do? You hog both, and now I'm being ordered by Praetor White to set up an induction ceremony for you?! I swear, this is the most ridiculous thing ever.
You don't even do anything!
Well, if it's a ceremony that the big boss wants, it's a ceremony that he'll get.