Mission:Those Who Make History - Part Four: Mutually Assured Destruction

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Part Four: Mutually Assured Destruction


The climax of our actions is soon approaching. Vagabond and Hatchet are prepared for our assault on the lab that has our Neutron bomb. The PPD are unaware that we are on our way, though I assume that they are already well guarded. Our efforts, however, are coordinated.

As we speak, the diseased members of the Resistance have activated in precincts all over Nova and Imperial, sending them into chaos. The officers in the lab will be unable to move in to provide back up. Beholder's seers have launched various attacks on the Seers in Imperial to prevent Tilman from seeing our attack. Hatchet's small army of ghouls have moved to the surface in Neutropolis and Imperial, ensuring that the PPD must take them out before dealing with us.

  • All that's left is for us to get the bomb.

The last and most important step. This not a time for words anymore, Character. This is a time for action! I will meet you at the lab.

Those Loyalists who have gone undercover would do well to speak with Provost Marchand about events that are happening.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You haven't left yet? Let's get moving!

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map P OFFICE 45 LAYOUT 03 02.png
Map: P_OFFICE_45_LAYOUT_03_02

Hatchet, Vagabond and Wardog all nod as you enter, ready to begin their plan to retrieve the Neutron bomb.

  • Retrieve the Neutron Bomb
    • Retrieve the Neutron Bomb

You've got the Neutron bomb, now get out of there!

Wardog, Vagabond and Hatchet


Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

You found the Neutron Bomb!

The Neutron Bomb

You picked up a steel box containing the Neutron Bomb. The box vibrates with pure power. In your hands you hold a device that could destroy every single living creature in Nova Praetoria.


You've performed admirably, Character. We now have a weapon to use against Cole and his regime, a weapon that will make them know true fear. It is only through fear that change can be made, Character. Not through noble acts, not through charity; only fear and power can change the society that we've become. That is what people respond to. Not to intellectual debate, not to high morals. Perhaps in better times, those would be fine. But we live in a time where drastic actions must be taken. And we, Character, will be the people to do such actions.