Mission:Those Who Make History - Part One: The First Line of Defense

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Part One: The First Line of Defense


Those around here have wondered what exactly I am planning. I have not told them, precisely because I do not want our plan to get out. There are those in the Resistance who would... frown upon what I am planning, to put it lightly. However, all of the pieces have been set into motion now. I feel that I can tell you what our goal is, Character. Do you remember when you and Beholder aided me by finding information out about Hamidon? It confirmed one of my suspicions; Cole is developing weapons to destroy only organic life.

I followed that lead and found my other suspicions confirmed as well: Cole already has a weapon made for this. It is a form of a Neutron bomb. When activated, it will wipe away all organic life in a two mile radius. The goal of it is to eradicate your enemies while leaving their cities perfectly preserved to use. At least, that's what it was for before the Hamidon War; now it is a tool to eradicate Hamidon and preserve whatever area is used.

It is not surprising Cole went this route instead of nuclear technology; I imagine when you're at the epicenter of a nuclear explosion, you tend to think twice about using said weaponry.

  • So, you're planning on using this Neutron bomb where...?

In Nova Praetoria. We're going to make a statement, Character. People in Praetoria, they forget history. They forget the concepts our country was founded on, they forget the tenants of freedom, of justice. Why? Because they have become smaller compared to the image of Cole fighting Hamidon. The people must be made to see that Cole can bleed, that Cole is fallible. The only way to do that is to make a large enough statement to the people. That is what Beholder's seers will be used for; before the bomb is rigged, I will deliver my speech to the people of Praetoria, teaching them the true history that Cole doesn't want them to know. That, Character, is my plan.

But first, Praetoria's defenses must be weakened. There is a warehouse that provides power to many Clockwork. I'll need you to go in there and destroy the generator, along with any powered Clockwork. You will have aid from our allies in the Syndicate, namely a woman named Lauren McAllister. Good luck, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We have no time to sit around, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

File:Map N Warehouse 30 Layout 02 01.png
Map: N_Warehouse_30_Layout_02_01

Lauren McAllister bows politely to you as you enter. It's time to make the first move in Wardog's grand plan.

  • Wipe out the Clockwork Warehouse
    • 2 prototypes to destroy
    • Destroy the main generator

You've crippled the Clockwork warehouse!


Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs


Everything is moving according to plan. Your work in that Clockwork warehouse was invaluable. Vagabond has sent his soldiers out to specific PPD precincts now to spread the disease that Neuron so graciously gave to them. All the pieces are falling perfectly into place, Character.

Did you know, that I used to be a teacher? Not many do. I was a history teacher, before joining the Resistance. It was a lifetime ago. Everything changed when Cole took away our freedom, our history. But that is a story I can save for later on. We have work to do.