Mr. G's Image

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From the Story Arc "Personal Monster" given by Mr. G.
This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 8-15.

Souvenir's Text

Mr. G's Image

You don't know why, but sometimes out of the corner of your eye, you can swear you see Mr. G. When you look, you see that no one is there. You can't help but feel that he's still watching you, even after the time you worked with him, which you call...

Personal Monster

It began with the news that Eddie Polstra had gone missing. Eddie had become a fairly big name in Imperial City: whoever would save him would become even bigger. You teamed up with Mr. G to look for Eddie with the promise of fame and fortune. You first went into the tunnels of Imperial to find Eddie, though all you found were ghouls and evidence that Eddie was somewhere nearby. You called Mr. G for more information and relayed information on what exactly he should tell the press.

You pushed further into the tunnels and finally encountered Eddie, only for him to tell you that he would not return to the surface until he found a mythical 'monster' that was the key to some 'invasion'. He also claimed that the beast had the Maelstrom Device, the same technology that was keeping Eddie alive. Eddie teleported away, leaving you back at square one. You spoke again with Mr. G, who proposed an investigation into the Maelstrom Device that was within Eddie's chest.

You decided to trick the Resistance to attack the lab you were heading to, which would make you look all the better when you swooped in there to save the day. However, instead of the Resistance showing up, you found the Syndicate in the lab. You cleared the lab and found data on the Maelstrom Device, which revealed that only one other was made apart from Eddie's. Whoever gave Eddie the Maelstrom Device had stolen it from Praetoria!

You were able to track down Eddie once more to tell him the news. This seemed to make a fine impact on him; Eddie agreed to return to the surface with you, saying that the monster was of no more consequence if it was truly from Praetoria. You and Eddie fought off some members of the Resistance whom Mr. G so graciously sent your way.

When you returned to the surface, the people of Imperial City hailed you as a hero, while Eddie Polstra slowly faded from the public eye. It was your time to shine in Imperial City, and you would be sure to bask in the limelight as long as possible.

See Also