Tour Guide Missions
Tour Guide Missions or Exploration Missions are Tip Missions that offer a guided tour to a zone's Exploration Badges, helping characters to easily earn badges and add destinations to their Long Range Teleporter without having to consult outside resources.
These missions will drop from enemies defeated in the listed zones if you do not already own the corresponding badge. You can only hold one Tour Guide Mission for a given zone at a time, and three total. They can be dismissed safely but not auto-completed.
Currently these missions are available in any zone with a Base Portal in addition to an Exploration Accolade badge, thus excluding Kallisti Wharf, Pocket D and Winter Forest.
Tour Guides
Paragon City
- Visitor's Guide - Atlas Park
- PPD Incident Reports - King's Row
- Eastgate Journal - The Hollows
- Nature Trail Booklet - Perez Park
- Highway Roadmap - Skyway City
- District Business Directory - Steel Canyon
- Baumton Newspaper - Boomtown
- Overbrook Reconstruction Newsletter - Faultline
- Buried Treasure Hunt - Talos Island
- Council Geological Surveillance - Striga Isle
- Shipping Manifest - Independence Port
- Reactor Electrical Manual - Terra Volta
- Scribbled Storybook - Croatoa
- Zigursky Inmate Reports - Brickstown
- Crey Industries Memo - Crey's Folly
- Sightseeing Magazine - Founders' Falls
- Woodvale Brochure - Eden
- Portal Corporation Pamphlet - Peregrine Island
- Vanguard Intelligence - Rikti War Zone
- Voices of the Dead - Dark Astoria
Rogue Isles
- Operation DESTINY Dossier - Mercy Island
- Suspicious Envelope - Port Oakes
- Aeon Corp Propaganda - Cap au Diable
- Cage Consortium Ledger - Sharkhead Isle
- Longbow Mission Briefings - Nerva Archipelago
- Casino Player's Rulebook - St. Martial
- WEB Schematics - Grandville
- Model Citizen Guidebook - Nova Praetoria
- TPN Newsletter - Imperial City
- "Neu to You" Science Journal - Neutropolis
- D.U.S.T. Threat Evaluations - First Ward
- Odd Sentient Scroll - Night Ward
Shadow Shard
- Dimensional Expedition Logs - Firebase Zulu
- Dimensional Research List - Cascade Archipelago
- Shadow Shard Conditioning - The Chantry
- Whispers of Lanaru - The Storm Palace
The following exploration accolades have no known corresponding tour guide tip.
Walked Down Memory Lane - Echo: Atlas Park
Galactic Explorer - Echo: Galaxy City
Epicenter - Echo: Faultline
A Light in Dark Astoria - Echo: Dark Astoria
Crash Landed - Echo: Rikti Crash Site
History in the Making - Cimerora
Apprentice Plumber - Sewer Network
Master Plumber - Abandoned Sewer Network
Honorary Monster - Monster Island
Busy, Busy Bee - The Hive
Touched Bottom - The Abyss
Bad Blood - Bloody Bay
Answered the Call - Siren's Call
Warlord - Warburg
Shattered Time - Recluse's Victory
Knows Nova's Nooks - Underground Nova
Beneath the Empire - Underground Imperial
Neu You Could Do It - Underground Neutropolis
Drop Rates
Tour Guide Missions have the following drop rates within eligible zones:
Minions - 3%
Lieutenants - 10%
Bosses - 33%
Elite Bosses - 50%
Archvillains - 100%
Giant Monsters/Monsters - Do not drop tips
Homecoming added tour guide missions in Issue 27 Page 2.